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1. Select 4 art works of any genre (paintings, sculpture, murals, architecture, etc.) – that you think best symbolize American society.  Discuss how each

1. Select 4 art works of any genre (paintings, sculpture, murals, architecture, etc.) – that you think best symbolize American society.  Discuss how each of the art works you have chosen, ‘ tells a story’ about American society. These may be historical, or contemporary. Questions you may want to think about could incldue:  How does the artwork in question, contribute  to ‘the nation’s story’ and its character.-

2. Please use a structure for your Essay that includes an ‘Introduction,’ a ‘Development,’ and a ‘Summary,’ with details for each artwork. Make sure to include citations in your essay, for each source. –

3. Make sure to use at least 1 source that you can ‘ cite’ for each of the 4 art works.  You can use authoritative websites such as museums that have the artwork, or newspaper articles or scholarly papers.  –

4. Do NOT use Wikipedia, do NOT use ‘wiki-images’ and DO NOT USE “AI” for any reasons whatsoever.-

5. Be sure to list all the references used to complete your work as a bibliography.-

6. Use the Writing Rubric as a guide to your writing.7. Do not copy and paste information directly from the Internet – this includes charts, graphs, or pictures – without giving full credit to the source.-

8. If in doubt about a specific source, do not use it.

Your work should use the following guidelines:

  • 1″ margin all around
  • Double spaced
  • Font size no larger than 12
  • 400 – 500 words = Essay length (of your writing)
  • Size of Font and Spacing : Size 12 font; Double-spaced
  • Use the textbook MLA citation at end of essay
  • Use PAGE numbers for quotes IN the essay

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