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100 word respone due 6/21/2024 1 reference/intext citation PresleyRickets is a condition that weakens and softens bones in children. Providing your

100 word respone due 6/21/2024 1 reference/intext citation


Rickets is a condition that weakens and softens bones in children. Providing your child with a balanced diet is essential to preventing rickets. It must contain the vital vitamins, minerals, and proteins needed for development in a healthy way. Supplementing with calcium and vitamin D is the first step in treating rickets. Most of the time, the illness can be treated with the correct vitamins.

Osteomalacia is also a disease that weakens bones and can cause them to break more easily. Depending on their specific situation, patients with osteomalacia may benefit from supplementing with calcium, phosphate, or vitamin D. Using braces to lessen or prevent bone abnormalities, having surgery to fix bone deformities, and getting enough sunshine exposure are some other treatments for relieving or correcting the symptoms of osteomalacia. 

After menopause, age-related bone loss in women accelerates dramatically. When women approach menopause, their estrogen levels drop quickly, which accelerates this process. Men lose bone at a far slower rate than women do over the course of their lives, and this is regulated by estradiol levels.

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