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100 word response Due 6/13/2024 Killingsworth Summarize the factors that determine skin color.

100 word response Due 6/13/2024


Summarize the factors that determine skin color.


The factors that influence skin color are genetic factors, environmental factors, and physiological factors. Genes control the amount of melanin that is produced by melanocytes. The variation in skin color results is influenced by the amount of melanin that melanocytes produce and the size of the pigment granules (Welsh & Prentice-Craver, 2021, pp. 189). Melanin is a dark pigment generally found in skin and hair. Different skin color is the result of different amounts of melanin in the skin. For example, the absence or lack of melanin in the skin is determined by the amount and type of melanin pigment in the skin. Some environmental factors that affect skin color are exposure to sunlight, UV light from sun lamps, and X-rays (Welsh & Prentice-Craver, 2021, pp. 190). Overexposure can lead to an increased production of melanin, which leads to the skin becoming darker in color.

Oxygen content and the state of vasodilation of blood vessels of dermal blood also affect skin color (Welsh & Prentice-Craver, 2021, pp. 190). Oxygen-rich blood and dilated blood vessels generate a pinkish tone. Oxygen-poor blood produces a bluish color on the skin. Diseases, such as Albinism, Vitiligo, and Hansen’s disease, can also affect skin color.

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