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2.1 Compare and contrast 2 tools/ techniques of the control quality process. 2.2 What are the challenges


Compare and contrast 2 tools/ techniques of the control quality process.


What are the challenges of incorporating quality management practices into a project team?

1. Quality Management and the Project Team

What are the challenges of incorporating quality management practices into a project team?


. Why is the budget given this much importance at the government and non-for-profit levels?

. Why is understanding and applying the concept of “interperiod equity” necessary in planning your organization’s budget and its actual implementation?

2. Proposed Course Project

Detail your proposed project which you will use for this assignment and for the final assignment for this course.

Briefly explain why you chose your project.  Make sure you detail the high-level project scope, schedule, and cost. Remember that a project is a temporary endeavor, delivering a unique product, service, or result.

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