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BUS/CASE 2  BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making  Hypothesis Testing: T-Testing and Anovas  Assignment Overview Hypothesis Tests &


BUS520 Business Analytics and Decision Making 

Hypothesis Testing: T-Testing and Anovas 

Assignment Overview

Hypothesis Tests & ANOVA

**Complete Module 2 SLP before Module 2 Case**

One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) tests if there are statistical differences between the means of three or more independent groups.

Case 2 Resources

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Single factor ANOVA in Excel or one way ANOVA in Excel ExplainedPerform a One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Excel

Case Assignment

Industry Research and Analysis with ANOVA

In Case 1, you used Analyze Data in Excel and it provided suggestions about the data. For this case, you will be using ANOVAs to look for differences.

Wording for ANOVAs:(Null Hypothesis) H0: There is no difference in Survey Measure by Demographic.(Alternate Hypothesis) H1: There is a difference in Survey Measure by Demographic.

Based on what you discovered in Analyze Data, see if there are differences in the four survey measures by one demographic (other than gender).

  • Insert Chart in Word.
  • Describe the findings.
  • Write the Null & Alternative Hypotheses.
  • Run the ANOVA Test, α = 0.05 level.
  • Reject or Fail to Reject the Null Hypothesis.
  • Discuss implications for management. Research and find out if there are studies that make connections between the variables you tested (or similar ones).
  • Make industry connections with the research from IBISWorld. Include workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings.

Run a total of 3 ANOVAs for this assignment.


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