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Medieval Europe began as small percolations, tribal groups briefly rising to fill the vacuum of power left after the fall of the Roman Empire. The

Medieval Europe began as small percolations, tribal groups briefly rising to fill the vacuum of power left after the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christian religion, imported from Rome, emerged as a unifying force. Christian scriptoria became the center of European learning. Cathedral-building programs and, later, pilgrimage routes bolstered the economy. Using specific examples of […]

I need help writing an essay for my final. I’ve listed the assignment instructions below and I’ll try to attach the actual assignment instructions. We have

I need help writing an essay for my final. I’ve listed the assignment instructions below and I’ll try to attach the actual assignment instructions. We have to do at least 2 pages. Just include a Introduction, 3 Body paragraphs and a conclusion answering the highlighted questions.  Choose 5 questions to answer from the following questions below […]