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Establish basic information:Identify a local issueIssues to choose from: Animal rights, censorship, Water quality, Disaster preparedness, Food scarcity,

Establish basic information: Identify a local issueIssues to choose from: Animal rights, censorship, Water quality, Disaster preparedness, Food scarcity, Infrastructure, Minimum wage, Local business growth, Education funding Identify a potential legal solution for the issue. It may be a new law, a change to an existing regulation, or a new idea. Apply predictive thinking. Respond to […]

In your assessment task 3, you will be required to choose a press release from a reputable English-medium newspaper and summarise it and then write an

In your assessment task 3, you will be required to choose a press release from a reputable English-medium newspaper and summarise it and then write an essay to analysing the press release’s impact on Australian consumers, linking economic theory, policy and principals.This assessment is aimed to evaluate your ability to apply economic concepts to real-word […]

Your Deadline: May 8, 07:00 PM Pages/Words: 2 pages / 1100 words (Single spacing) Citation Style: Not Applicable Assignment Type: Short Answer

Your Deadline: May 8, 07:00 PM Pages/Words: 2 pages / 1100 words (Single spacing) Citation Style: Not Applicable Assignment Type: Short Answer Questions Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages / 1100 words (Single spacing) Education Level: University Language: English (US) Your Deadline: May 8, 07:00 PM Assignment Topic: Econ assignment Subject: Economics Sources: – Citation Style: Not Applicable […]

Pages/Words: 2 pages / 550 words (Double spacing) Your Deadline: May 6, 07:00 PM Assignment Type: Essay (any type) Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages /

Pages/Words: 2 pages / 550 words (Double spacing) Your Deadline: May 6, 07:00 PM Assignment Type: Essay (any type) Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages / 550 words (Double spacing) Education Level: University Language: English (US) Your Deadline: May 6, 07:00 PM Assignment Topic: Economics Analysis Essay Subject: Economics Sources: 2 sources required Citation Style: APA 6th edition […]