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Discussion 1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that

Discussion 1. Discussion Question: Create a post with a discussion question.  This can be a short post, just a sentence or three, that poses an interesting question.  For example, “Based on the material from this week, what additional research do psychologists need to conduct to continue to understand and reduce racial prejudice?”  Or “In addition to […]

 What are the main hypotheses? What is/are independent variable(s)? What is/are dependent variable(s)? How did researchers recruit their participants?

  What are the main hypotheses? What is/are independent variable(s)? What is/are dependent variable(s)? How did researchers recruit their participants? Identify participants’ demographic information and data collection procedure. What materials did researchers utilize to measure the hypotheses? Identify the apparatus and measurements. What are the key findings/results of the study? Do the findings justify authors’ […]