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U.S. Government ‹#› Introductory LectureKeys to Course SuccessBeing prepared (having done the reading) Answering discussion questions

U.S. Government ‹#› Introductory Lecture Keys to Course Success Being prepared (having done the reading) Answering discussion questions thoughtfully Emailing me if you have concerns or questions Coming to office hours if you need concept clarification What is government? What would life be like without government? Why do we need government? What do you think […]

Ethics and Moral PhilosophyBoth phenomenology and existentialism sought to respond to the impasse created by the debate between deontology and

Ethics and Moral Philosophy Both phenomenology and existentialism sought to respond to the impasse created by the debate between deontology and utilitarianism by offering a new account or a ‘third way’ between the two. Compare and contrast the existentialist and phenomenological attempts to produce a new moral theory beyond utilitarianism and beyond Kant. Do any […]

Write a paper of between 500-750 words on You have encountered various theories of knowledge and theories of being in this course, beginning with

Write a paper of between 500-750 words on You have encountered various theories of knowledge and theories of being in this course, beginning with Plato/Socrates (as well as pre-Socratics like Parmenides), Descartes and the rationalists, empiricism, and Kantian constructivism. The phenomenological method as described in Week 7 can also give us tools for a theory […]

Please see attachment below. As you likely know from your own life, human relationships are complex. As such, social workers may find it difficult

Please see attachment below.  As you likely know from your own life, human relationships are complex. As such, social workers may find it difficult to keep these important interactions in mind when addressing an individual client’s needs. Several tools have been developed to assist in understanding and assessing relationships in the context of social work. […]