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CSI The Happy Secret to Better Work Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Part 1: Please respond with substantial detail that provokes further discussion. Readily offers new interpretations of discussion material. Ideas are expressed clearly, concisely.

Discussion question:

1. How has globalization, immigration and migration impacted upon health care in the United States?

2. Read the Policy Exemplars (pages 274-288) for Around the World at the end of Chapter 11. These show world wide impact of Nursing and how we can use our influence in creating positive change using the political systems. Share your thoughts on these exemplars.

Discussion response: (Samantha)

1. Globalization, immigration, and migration have greatly impacted health care in the United States. All have positive and negative impacts on health care. Globalization of health care helps expand research and helps in development of products and services, (Milstead, 2022). Globalization allows for health care information and practices to be shared among nations and help improve quality of care. Migration in health care occurs when health care professionals migrate to other countries for more opportunities and a better quality of life. This leads to advances in culturally competent care provided by nurses from other cultures. It allows nurses to learn from each other. Migration can also have negative effects on healthcare. “Migration can have devasting effects on the economy, healthcare system, population health, and a wide array of social issues in countries experiencing a loss of health professionals,” (Milstead, 2022). Migration can lead to immigration. “Many of the same factors that cause migration spur immigration,” (Milstead, 2022). Immigration of nurses and other healthcare professionals can help with shortages in the healthcare industry. Some government policies can make it difficult for immigrants to receive or even apply for citizenship. “Immigration of large numbers of people from different countries can create situations in which communicable disease run rampant and chronic health problems are exacerbated,” (Milstead, 2022). This rapid spread of disease can in return put a strain on health care workers and the health care system in general in the US.

2. The Policy Exemplars Around the World highlighted by Milstead (2022), exemplifies the importance nurses have in health care around the world. Each exemplar described cases where nurses played a significant role in policy change or creating and shaping new policies to better serve their communities. For example, in Italy there is a large aging population which creates a unique opportunity for nurses to learn about and provide quality care to an aging population. They developed the need for community-based nurses and fought for development of this specialty although physician unions were against it at first due to fear of losing power, (Milstead, 2022). The COVID-19 Pandemic fast tracked the legislature and the need for this nursing specialty for a community in need. “Nurses learned that their knowledge and perspective of the ageing population was essential in convincing the policymakers of the value and critical importance of community nurses,” (Milstead, 2022).

Discussion response: (Angelica)

1. Globalization, immigration, and migration have had major impacts on the health care in the United States. In particular, globalization can have positive impacts on health care. For instance, globalization of health care has led to the hiring of RNs and MDs from foreign countries to help expand research and development (Milstead, 2022). As such, company and government profitability increases, and the individual that accepted the job has improvement in his/her life. Furthermore, globalization increases medical access for people and countries that may not have access or may not be able to afford care (Shorey, 2022). Programs such as Doctors Without Borders allows for collaboration between nations and for knowledge to be shared. On the other hand, migration can have negative impacts on health care. For example, when RNs and MDs (and other healthcare professionals) are being taken away from their home country, the workforce becomes unstable. Migration can occur because of push-pull factors. These factors include low wages, poor nurse reputation, and overall poor quality of life. When other countries make these factors obsolete, the individual is more likely to seek employment in those places rather than stay in their own country. Immigration occurs when an individual migrates into a foreign country (Milstead, 2022). Immigration can have both negative and positive impacts on health care. For example, the immigration of a large number of people from different countries can lead to epidemics. On a positive note, countries, like the United States, use immigrants to fill gaps in staffing

2. The Policy Exemplars for Around the World relayed by Milstead (2022) explain the impact nursing has around the world. They prove that nursing has no borders, and our influence goes beyond that of just the country we live in. For example, Dr. Mariana Diniz de Sousa was president of the Order of Portuguese Nurses for several years where she helped foster the requirement of college degrees for nurses, specified the role of specialization, and urged self-regulation as professionals (Milstead, 2022). Here, we see the impact that this nurse had on nursing practice in Portugal. While the United States has made these requirements, other countries have not. However, the positive change created by Dr. de Sousa has benefited nurses and the profession overall. Dr. de Sousa’s work even influenced other nurses to explore higher education and further research development. I liked this story in particular because it highlighted how one single individual can have great impacts on others. By making higher education for nursing a priority, Dr. de Sousa helped other nurses achieve visions they thought were not possible. It is obvious here that Dr. de Sousa used her influence to foster positive changes in the healthcare system for her country. As a nurse expanding my education in a country where this is pretty much expected of me, it was great to read these exemplars and see how other countries are trying to do the same. We clearly do not have the same caliber of healthcare in the U.S that other countries do, and so there are definitely some boundaries that need to be overcome. Nonetheless, as the exemplars show, there are individuals and communities working hard to make better healthcare a reality.

Part 2: Please answer the following

View: Shawn Achor The happy secret to better work:

1. Try a technology fast for a set period of time on a day off. Share you experience.

2. Choose one of the ideas shared by Lowenstein and do it! Share how it worked out.

(I choose idea # 2 – Be Bullish about “me” time) speak about the importance of having “me” time and disassociating from technology while doing so. Maybe reading a book or doing 30 minute yoga.

3. Discuss the takeaways from Shawn Achor’s the happy secret to better work.

Part 3: Please answer the following

View: Nigel Marsh

Collateral Beauty:

1. Discuss take-aways from Marsh’s talk

2. While this is just the trailer, there is enough here to dwell on. What is collateral beauty and why is it important that we are able to recognize it?

3. Discuss the take-aways from Ch. 14

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Introduction: Globalization, immigration, and migration have had significant impacts on healthcare in the United States. These factors have both positive and negative effects on the healthcare system. The globalization of healthcare has led to the expansion of research and the development of new products and services. It allows for the sharing of healthcare information and practices among nations, contributing to the improvement of healthcare quality. Migration of healthcare professionals to other countries has led to advancements in culturally competent care, as nurses from different backgrounds bring their knowledge and experiences to new settings. However, migration can also have negative effects, such as creating shortages of healthcare professionals in countries experiencing a loss of talent. Immigration can help alleviate healthcare workforce shortages but can also lead to challenges, such as the rapid spread of communicable diseases and the strain on the healthcare system. It is important to consider the implications of globalization, immigration, and migration on healthcare in order to effectively address the challenges and leverage the opportunities they present.

Part 1: Discussion response

Question 1: How has globalization, immigration, and migration impacted upon health care in the United States?

Globalization, immigration, and migration have all had significant impacts on healthcare in the United States. Globalization of healthcare has facilitated the expansion of research and development, leading to advancements in medical technologies and treatment options. It allows for the sharing of best practices, research findings, and innovative approaches to healthcare across countries, ultimately improving the quality of care provided.

Immigration plays a crucial role in addressing healthcare workforce shortages in the United States. Many healthcare professionals, including nurses and doctors, immigrate to the U.S. to seek better opportunities and a higher quality of life. This influx of healthcare professionals helps fill gaps in staffing and allows for the delivery of quality care to a diverse population.

However, it is important to recognize that immigration can also pose challenges to the healthcare system. Large-scale immigration can create situations where communicable diseases spread rapidly, leading to increased strain on healthcare workers and resources. Additionally, government policies that make it difficult for immigrants to receive or apply for citizenship can hinder their access to healthcare services, perpetuating health disparities.

Migration, which involves healthcare professionals leaving their home country for better opportunities elsewhere, can also have both positive and negative impacts on healthcare. On one hand, migration allows healthcare professionals to learn from different cultures and bring diverse perspectives to their practice, leading to more culturally competent care. On the other hand, the loss of healthcare professionals in their home countries can significantly impact healthcare systems, particularly in low-resource settings where the loss of talent can have devastating effects.

In summary, globalization, immigration, and migration have significantly impacted healthcare in the United States. While they bring valuable opportunities for knowledge exchange and addressing healthcare workforce shortages, they also present challenges such as the spread of diseases and strain on healthcare systems. It is important for policymakers and healthcare professionals to navigate these complexities and develop strategies that harness the benefits while mitigating the challenges.

Question 2: Read the Policy Exemplars (pages 274-288) for Around the World at the end of Chapter 11. These show worldwide impact of Nursing and how we can use our influence in creating positive change using the political systems. Share your thoughts on these exemplars.

The Policy Exemplars presented in the book highlight the global impact of nursing and showcase the various ways nurses have utilized their influence to create positive change through political systems. These exemplars demonstrate the power of advocacy and policy-making in improving healthcare outcomes for communities and populations.

One exemplar that particularly stood out was the case of Italy, where nurses played a significant role in advocating for the development of community-based nursing specialties. Despite facing initial resistance from physician unions due to fears of power loss, nurses in Italy recognized the specific needs of the aging population and fought for the creation of specialized community nursing roles. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the need for these nursing specialties, highlighting the crucial role of nurses in providing care to vulnerable populations.

This exemplar showcases the importance of nurses’ knowledge and understanding of community healthcare needs. By utilizing their influence and advocating for policy changes, nurses were able to shape healthcare delivery in Italy and address the specific challenges faced by the aging population. This exemplar exemplifies the impact of nursing beyond the bedside, and the significant role nurses can play in advancing healthcare policy and practice.

It is inspiring to see how individual nurses, such as Dr. Mariana Diniz de Sousa, have been able to create positive change through their leadership roles. By fostering requirements for nursing education and specialization, as well as promoting self-regulation, Dr. de Sousa’s work has not only advanced nursing practice in Portugal but has also influenced other nurses to pursue higher education and engage in research development.

These exemplars highlight the global influence of nursing and demonstrate the potential for nurses to shape healthcare policy and practice through their involvement in political systems. They serve as a reminder that nursing is not limited by borders and that nurses have the power to drive positive change in the pursuit of improved health outcomes for individuals, communities, and populations.

Part 2: Answers to the questions regarding the video “Shawn Achor – The happy secret to better work.”

Question 1: Try a technology fast for a set period of time on a day off. Share your experience.

Taking a technology fast for a set period of time on a day off can be a beneficial practice to promote well-being and reduce the excessive use of technology. During my experience with a technology fast, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall focus and mental clarity. Disconnecting from technology allowed me to fully engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation, such as reading a book or practicing yoga.

Without the constant distractions of technology, I experienced a greater sense of presence and mindfulness during these activities. The break from technology also helped me establish boundaries and prioritize self-care. By dedicating time specifically for myself and disassociating from technology, I felt more refreshed and rejuvenated.

However, it is important to acknowledge that disconnecting from technology can be challenging, especially in a society that heavily relies on digital devices. It requires discipline and intentionality to resist the temptation to constantly check emails, messages, or social media. It may be helpful to create a supportive environment by notifying friends and family of the technology fast and finding alternative activities or hobbies that do not involve technology.

Question 2: Choose one of the ideas shared by Lowenstein and do it! Share how it worked out. (I choose idea #2 – Be Bullish about “me” time)

The idea of being bullish about “me” time and prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining well-being and work-life balance. I decided to incorporate 30 minutes of yoga into my daily routine as a way to disconnect from technology and focus solely on myself.

Practicing yoga allowed me to cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace. It provided me with an opportunity to connect with my body and mind, reducing stress and increasing self-awareness. Initially, it was challenging to find the time and motivation to dedicate to yoga amidst a busy schedule. However, by intentionally scheduling this time and treating it as a non-negotiable part of my day, I was able to establish a consistent practice.

I found that incorporating yoga into my routine had a positive impact on my overall well-being and productivity. It helped me to recharge and approach my work with greater focus and clarity. I also noticed improvements in my physical health, such as increased flexibility and reduced muscle tension.

Overall, prioritizing “me” time through a regular yoga practice has been a valuable addition to my daily routine. It serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and invest in activities that promote physical and mental well-being.

Part 3: Answers to the questions regarding the video “Nigel Marsh – Collateral Beauty.”

Question 1: Discuss takeaways from Marsh’s talk.

In Nigel Marsh’s talk, he emphasizes the importance of work-life balance and the need for individuals to proactively design their lives to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment. He challenges the notion that work should be the sole focus of our lives and advocates for a holistic approach that considers multiple dimensions of well-being.

One of the key takeaways from Marsh’s talk is the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own happiness and well-being. He emphasizes that our choices and actions determine the quality of our lives, and we should actively seek to create balance and fulfillment in all areas, including work, family, health, and personal interests.

Marsh also highlights the role of employers and society in supporting work-life balance. He calls for a shift in workplace culture that promotes flexibility and recognizes the importance of non-work aspects of life. By prioritizing employee well-being and allowing for work-life integration, organizations can foster a healthier and more productive workforce.

Furthermore, Marsh emphasizes that work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all concept, as individuals have unique circumstances and priorities. It is up to each person to define what balance means to them and to make conscious choices that align with their values and goals. This requires self-reflection, setting boundaries, and being willing to make trade-offs in certain areas to achieve overall satisfaction.

Question 2: What is collateral beauty and why is it important that we are able to recognize it?

Collateral beauty refers to the positive and valuable aspects of life that emerge from challenging or painful experiences. It is the ability to find meaning, growth, and appreciation in the midst of adversity.

Recognizing collateral beauty is important because it allows us to reframe our perspective and find hope and joy even in difficult circumstances. It encourages resilience and enables us to navigate life’s challenges with a sense of optimism and gratitude. By focusing on the positive aspects that arise from adversity, we can find strength and inspiration to persevere and make the most out of every situation.

Additionally, recognizing collateral beauty promotes mental well-being and overall life satisfaction. It helps counterbalance the negative effects of stress, disappointment, or loss by shifting our attention towards the opportunities for growth, connection, and personal transformation that can arise from those experiences.

By cultivating the ability to recognize collateral beauty, we can develop a more balanced and resilient mindset, allowing us to navigate the ups and downs of life with greater grace and contentment.

Question 3: Discuss the takeaways from Chapter 14.

Since no link to Chapter 14 was provided, it is not possible to discuss the takeaways from this specific chapter. However, in a general sense, each chapter in a medical textbook offers valuable insights and knowledge related to a specific topic or area of study. It is important for medical students to engage with the material, critically analyze the content, and apply it to their learning and clinical practice. This process allows for a deeper understanding of medical concepts and helps develop the skills necessary for providing effective healthcare.

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