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CSUN Nurse Reassignment Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assume you are working in the charge nurse role. One of the staff assigned to work with you becomes ill and must go home suddenly, leaving his designated patient assignment to be assumed by someone else. As a charge nurse, what factors would you consider as you determine how to reassign this work to other nurses? If you were a co-worker on the shift instead of the charge nurse, what effective follower behaviors might you demonstrate to support the charge nurse in this situation? Can you identify behaviors of co-workers that would complicate the staffing situation further?

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As a charge nurse, the sudden illness of a staff member and the subsequent need to reassign their patient workload can present challenges. This situation requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure patient safety and smooth workflow. Additionally, as a co-worker on the shift, displaying effective follower behaviors can support and assist the charge nurse in handling this staffing issue efficiently. However, certain behaviors of co-workers can complicate the staffing situation further. Let’s discuss the factors to consider as a charge nurse and the effective follower behaviors as a co-worker, along with the behaviors that may complicate the situation.

Factors to consider as a charge nurse when reassigning work:

1. Patient care needs: The first consideration should be the specific care requirements of each patient. Evaluate the acuity and complexity of the assigned patients to determine the appropriate skill level and experience needed from the nurses who will assume the workload.

2. Nurses’ skills and competencies: Assess the qualifications, expertise, and competency levels of the available nurses. Assign patients to those with the necessary skills and experience to provide safe and effective care.

3. Communication and collaboration: Coordinate with the remaining staff to ensure a clear understanding of the patient reassignment plan. Effective communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and ensure a smooth transition. Collaborate with nurses to identify any potential challenges and address them proactively.

4. Workload distribution: Consider the workload distribution among the remaining nurses. Ensure that the workload is evenly distributed and manageable for each nurse to prevent exhaustion and maintain quality patient care.

5. Time management: Evaluate the remaining shift duration and prioritize tasks accordingly. Allocate additional resources or adjust timelines if necessary to accommodate the additional workload without compromising patient care.

Effective follower behaviors to support the charge nurse:

1. Offering assistance: Express willingness to help and support the charge nurse during this challenging situation. Offer to take on additional responsibilities or tasks that may alleviate some of the burden.

2. Active communication: Maintain open lines of communication with the charge nurse and other team members. Seek clarification when needed and provide regular updates on assigned tasks or progress.

3. Flexibility and adaptability: Demonstrate flexibility in adjusting schedules and priorities as needed. Be adaptable to changes in patient assignments or other staffing adjustments.

4. Collaborative approach: Work collaboratively with the charge nurse and other co-workers to ensure a cohesive and efficient workflow. Assist in coordinating patient care and sharing relevant information to facilitate smooth transitions.

Behaviors that may complicate the staffing situation further:

1. Resistance to change: Displaying resistance to reassignments or expressing reluctance to take on additional work can disrupt the process. Such behaviors can further burden the charge nurse and hinder patient care.

2. Lack of teamwork: Failing to work as part of a team and not supporting the charge nurse’s decisions can lead to confusion and disorganization. Solid teamwork is vital in managing unexpected staffing changes.

3. Poor communication: Inadequate or ineffective communication among co-workers can result in misunderstandings and delays in patient care. It is essential to communicate clearly and promptly to ensure continuity and safety.

4. Blaming and finger-pointing: Engaging in blame or finger-pointing can create a toxic work environment and hinder problem-solving efforts. Instead, focus on finding solutions and supporting one another during challenging situations.

In conclusion, as a charge nurse, considering factors such as patient care needs, nurses’ skills, communication, workload distribution, and time management helps in making appropriate decisions when reassigning work. As a co-worker, practicing effective follower behaviors, including offering assistance, maintaining active communication, being flexible and collaborative, can support the charge nurse in managing staffing changes. On the other hand, behaviors like resistance to change, lack of teamwork, poor communication, and blaming can further complicate the staffing situation and impact patient care negatively.

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