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Diabetes Mellitus Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

In order to write a case study paper, you must carefully address a number of sections in a specific order with specific information contained in each. The guideline below outlines each of those sections.


Information to Include

Introduction (patient and problem)

Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.)

Explain what the problem is (What were they diagnosed with, or what happened?)

Introduce your main argument (What should you as a nurse focus on or do?)


Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?)


Explain what health problems the patient has (Have they been diagnosed with other diseases?)

Detail any and all previous treatments (Have they had any prior surgeries or are they on medication?)

Nursing Physical Assessment

List all the patient’s health stats in sentences with specific numbers/levels (Blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation, etc.)

Related Treatments

Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of their disease

  • Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal
  • Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)
  • Explain what your goal is for helping the patient recover (What do you want to change for the patient?)

Nursing Interventions

Explain how you will accomplish your nursing goals, and support this with citations (Reference the literature)


Explain how effective the nursing intervention was (What happened after your nursing intervention? Did the patient get better?)


  • Explain what the patient or nurse should do in the future to continue recovery/improvement

Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and will be graded on how well you complete each of the above sections. You will also be graded on your use of APA Style and on your application of nursing journals into the treatments and interventions. For integrating nursing journals, remember the following:

Make sure to integrate citations into all of your paper

Support all claims of what the disease is, why it occurs and how to treat it with references to the literature on this disease

Always use citations for information that you learned from a book or article; if you do not cite it, you are telling your reader that YOU discovered that information (how to treat the disease, etc.)

Expert Solution Preview

To start the answer, I would like to provide an introduction:

When writing a case study paper for medical college assignments, it is essential to follow a specific structure and include relevant information in each section. This guideline will help you understand what each section entails and how to approach it effectively.

1. Introduction:
In this section, you should introduce the patient and the problem they are facing. Include details about the patient such as age, gender, and any other relevant background information. Clearly explain the medical condition or diagnosis the patient has been given. Additionally, introduce your main argument or focus as a nurse in relation to the patient’s situation.

2. Pathophysiology:
Here, you need to provide a comprehensive explanation of the disease or condition the patient is experiencing. Discuss the symptoms associated with the disease and its underlying causes. Support your explanations with credible sources and references from the literature.

3. History:
In this section, outline the patient’s medical history. Highlight any other health problems they may have been diagnosed with and detail any treatments they have received in the past. Include information about prior surgeries, medications, or interventions that the patient has undergone.

4. Nursing Physical Assessment:
List and describe the patient’s health stats using specific numbers or levels. Record measurements such as blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation abilities, and other relevant physical assessments. Be detailed and accurate in documenting the patient’s current health status.

5. Related Treatments:
Explain the treatments that the patient is currently undergoing or has received based on their disease or condition. Provide a clear understanding of the rationale behind these treatments and their intended outcomes. Support your explanations with references from nursing literature.

6. Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal:
Identify the main problem or nursing diagnosis for the patient. Explain what needs to be addressed in their care. Then, establish a nursing goal for the patient’s recovery or improvement. Clearly state what you aim to change or achieve through your nursing interventions.

7. Nursing Interventions:
Outline the nursing interventions you plan to implement to achieve the established goal. Support your interventions with citations and references from nursing journals or other credible sources. Ensure that your interventions are evidence-based and align with best practices in nursing care.

8. Evaluation:
Evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing interventions you implemented. Describe any changes or improvements observed in the patient’s condition after your nursing intervention. Provide objective measurements or subjective responses to support your evaluation.

9. Recommendations:
Provide recommendations for the patient or nurse to follow in the future to continue their recovery or improvement. Offer guidance on lifestyle changes, follow-up care, or any other necessary actions. Ensure that your recommendations are grounded in evidence-based practice and supported by relevant literature.

Remember, your case study paper should be 3-4 pages long and show proficiency in each of the above sections. Take care to apply APA Style throughout your paper, including in-text citations and a properly formatted reference list. Integrate nursing journals into your discussions and interventions to demonstrate a thorough understanding of current research and best practices.

By following this structure and incorporating relevant information from credible sources, you will be able to produce a well-rounded and comprehensive case study paper. Good luck with your assignment!

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