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Experimental Psych- Lab 3 Instructions [Descriptive and Inferential Stats] Descriptives for Youth Age and Youth

Experimental Psych- Lab 3 Instructions [Descriptive and Inferential Stats]

Descriptives for Youth Age and Youth Anxiety

– Launch Jamovi on your computer.

– Click on the three lines button in the top left corner and then click “Open” and Browse.

– Select your dataset file from where you saved: ParentingStyle_TripleP_ChildAnxiety4.csv

– Go to the ‘Analyses’ tab.

– Click on ‘Exploration’ and then ‘Descriptives’.

– Move `Youth Age` and `Youth Anxiety` to the ‘Variables’ box.

– In the ‘Statistics’ menu, select:

– Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)

– Percentile values (33,66)

– Dispersion (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Minimum, Maximum)

– Under the ‘Plots’ section, check the box for ‘Histogram’.

Copy the results

Frequencies for Gender, School, and Intervention Type

– Move the following variables to the ‘Variables’ box:



Intervention Type




– Click on “Frequency tables”

Copy the results

T-Test: Youth Anxiety by Intervention Type

– In the ‘Analyses’ tab, click on ‘T-Tests’ and then ‘Independent Samples T-Test’.

– Move `Youth Anxiety` to the ‘Dependent Variables’ box.

– Move `Intervention Type` to the ‘Grouping Variable’ box.

– Under ‘Options’:

– Check ‘Descriptives’.

– Check ‘Descriptives Plots’.

– Check ‘Effect size’.

– Check ‘Assumptions checks’ (Homogeneity, Normality).

– Hypothesis (NULL)

Copy the results

Interpretation of T-Test

– Review the results to see if the p-value is less than 0.05, which would indicate a significant difference.

– Check the effect size (Cohen’s d):

– 0.2 or less: Weak

– 0.3 to 0.5: Moderate

– 0.8 or more: Strong

– Write a brief interpretation of the results.

ANOVA: Youth Anxiety by Parenting Style3

– In the ‘Analyses’ tab, click on ‘ANOVA’ and then ‘ANOVA’.

– Move `Youth Anxiety` to the ‘Dependent Variable’ box.

– Move `RejCat3“ColdCat3“OverProCat3`and `Intervention Type` to the ‘Fixed Factors’ box.

– Under ‘Options’:

– Check ‘Overall model test’.

– Check ‘n2’.

Copy the results

We will review the results together.

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