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Farmer’s Market ResearchAssignment outcome: To increase your awareness, understanding andknowledge of local/regional, sustainable, organic food and natural

Farmer’s Market ResearchAssignment outcome: To increase your awareness, understanding andknowledge of local/regional, sustainable, organic food and natural itemsproduced in and around Vancouver and the Lower mainland area.What you will need to do: You will need to begin by researching Farmers

sample for this assignment is available for free, check my contact below Markets specifically here in the local region. For example: by choosing 10 local farmer/vendor businesses that sell organicproducts.(You might want to choose items that interest you, you’ve had, like to eator would like to try and know more about.)Hopefully one of these markets ( is close to your homeand you can visit one, BUT you don’t have too, HOWEVER I do think itwill save you a lot of time and should be also enjoyable, however you cando your research online, I’m just making a friendly suggestion.From this site you can see many of the markets that take place regularlyin the city.Answer the following questions for each of the 10 farmers/vendorsyou choose.

  1. Which products do the farmers/Vendors sell that is local andorganic. Provide a list and the corresponding images you can find –research each farmer/vendors websites, Instagram and Facebookpages, or social media or print media they may employ if they havethem.
  2. Explain how the Farmers/Vendors promote their products andservices. How do people know about them? Give three examples ofthese promotions. Also include visuals here as well with yourexamples. * Again, you should be able to pull this informationfarmer/vendors websites, Instagram and Facebook pages, or anysocial media or print media they employ.
  3. Explain how each of the farmers/Vendors use marketing, describetheir brand – Provide 3examples of how their brand – What is thetone and appeal of their products? Who is the audience they areattempting to market to? 

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This Assignment has been solved!  Contact me to get the sample for free or order a new one free from plagiarism and AI. My email is:     study9help @gmail .com                        

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