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GCU The Significance of Material Management Discussion Response Nursing Assignment Help

Please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment:

” In my opinion, tracking a project means monitoring its progress and making sure that members of a team are all present and have all the materials needed to complete and implement that project. As a project manager, my approach to tracking a project would highly involve ensuring that all the materials and tools needed are present and well-managed. Material management is a considerable approach because it is crucial to productivity in construction projects (Kasim, et al., 2012). When constructing a business plan before presenting it, managing materials should be considered so that there is effective time management as well. Construction time, quality, and budget are important elements of a business plan and poor material management can have drastic effects on them. As a project manager, my responsibility would be to make sure that all the tools and equipment for building a project are available to handle in a timely manner and that all the stakeholders involved can obtain them at the right cost. 

Kasim, N., Shamsuddin, A., Zainal, R., & Kamarudin, N. C. (2012). Implementation of RFID technology for real-time materials tracking process in construction projects. 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER), Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER), 2012 IEEE Colloquium On, 699–703.

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I agree with your perspective on tracking a project. Monitoring progress and ensuring that team members have all the necessary materials and resources are indeed essential aspects of project management. Effective material management plays a crucial role in the productivity of construction projects, as stated in the research by Kasim et al. (2012). Proper material management is vital for ensuring effective time management, which ultimately impacts elements such as construction time, quality, and budget.

As a project manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that all the tools and equipment required for the project are available promptly. This includes managing the availability of materials, tools, and equipment to be used in the construction process. By doing so, you can ensure that stakeholders involved in the project can obtain these resources at the right cost. This comprehensive approach to material management contributes to successful project completion.

Overall, I appreciate your understanding of the importance of material management in project tracking. By incorporating effective material management strategies, project managers can enhance the overall efficiency and success of construction projects.

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