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Grand Canyon University Benchmark Resolution for Change Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

From an organizational standpoint, identify a patient safety clinical problem that requires resolution. Using systems thinking and literature from this course and your own research, suggest one possible solution to address the issue. In 1,250-1,500 words, include the following:

Describe the change management strategy you would use to address the patient safety clinical problem.

Describe the stakeholders.

Describe the type of change anticipated.

Discuss how you would engage stakeholders.

  • Outline how you would communicate the change to all stakeholders. Indicate how often you would communicate progress of the change.
  • If an adjustment is needed, explain how and when you would communicate what is needed.
  • Explain how the Christian worldview factors into the decisions you have made.

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In the field of healthcare, patient safety is of utmost importance. As a medical professor, it is crucial to address patient safety clinical problems and propose viable solutions. This assignment focuses on identifying a patient safety clinical problem and developing a change management strategy to address it. Additionally, the stakeholders, anticipated type of change, stakeholder engagement, communication plan, and the influence of a Christian worldview on decision-making will be discussed.

Patient Safety Clinical Problem: Medication Errors in Hospital Setting

Change Management Strategy:
To address the patient safety clinical problem of medication errors in a hospital setting, a comprehensive change management strategy is essential. The strategy should involve the following steps:

1. Assess the Current Situation: Conduct a thorough analysis of the hospital’s medication management system to identify the root causes of medication errors. This may include reviewing policies and procedures, conducting interviews with healthcare professionals, and analyzing error data.

2. Develop a Vision for Change: Clearly define the desired future state, where medication errors are minimized, and patient safety is significantly improved. Formulate specific goals and objectives to guide the change process.

3. Stakeholder Identification: Identify the stakeholders involved in the medication management system, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, healthcare administrators, and patients. Each stakeholder plays a unique role in the process and has a vested interest in patient safety.

4. Engaging Stakeholders: Foster a collaborative approach by involving stakeholders in the change process. Conduct regular meetings and workshops to provide a platform for stakeholders to voice their concerns, ideas, and suggestions. Encourage active participation and ensure that all stakeholders feel valued and heard.

5. Communication Plan: Develop a comprehensive communication plan to inform stakeholders about the planned changes, progress, and outcomes. Regularly disseminate information through various channels, including emails, team meetings, newsletters, and notice boards. Emphasize the importance of transparent communication to build trust and minimize resistance to change.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress of the change efforts. Regularly assess the effectiveness of the implemented interventions and adjust the strategies accordingly. Collect data on medication errors, near misses, and adverse drug events to measure the impact of the change.

7. Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Regularly review the medication management system, identify areas for further enhancement, and implement evidence-based best practices. Promote ongoing education and training for healthcare professionals to ensure competency in medication safety.

Anticipated Type of Change:
The anticipated type of change in this scenario is a transformative change. It involves significant modifications to the medication management system, including policies, procedures, and the overall organizational culture. Transformative change seeks to improve patient safety by transforming the existing system into a safer and more efficient one.

Engaging Stakeholders:
To engage stakeholders effectively, their perspectives, experiences, and expertise must be incorporated throughout the change process. Conducting regular meetings, workshops, and focus groups will allow for open discussions, encouraging stakeholders to provide input and share their concerns. It is essential to create an inclusive environment where stakeholders feel valued and actively participate in decision-making.

Communication Plan:
To communicate the change to all stakeholders, a multi-channel approach should be adopted. Regular communication via email updates, team meetings, newsletters, and notice boards will ensure that stakeholders are well-informed about the progress of the change. The frequency of communication will depend on the stage of the change process, but it is crucial to provide regular updates to maintain engagement and transparency.

In case adjustments are needed, prompt and clear communication is essential. Feedback and suggestions from stakeholders should be encouraged and integrated into the change plan. Any necessary adjustments should be promptly communicated through the established channels to keep all stakeholders informed and maintain transparency.

Influence of the Christian Worldview:
The Christian worldview emphasizes compassion, love, and the value of every individual. In the context of patient safety and change management, incorporating a Christian worldview means prioritizing patient well-being, treating others with respect and dignity, and recognizing the interdependence of stakeholders for the achievement of better patient outcomes. This worldview encourages a culture of accountability, transparency, and ethical decision-making that aligns with the values of patient safety. The Christian worldview reminds us to seek wisdom, be humble, and continuously strive for improvement in patient care.

Addressing patient safety clinical problems requires a systematic and well-executed change management strategy. By engaging stakeholders, developing a comprehensive communication plan, and incorporating a Christian worldview, the medication error problem in a hospital setting can be effectively addressed. This approach ensures a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing patient safety and the overall quality of healthcare delivery.

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