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Grand Canyon University Organization Development and Change Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Reflect on a change implementation you have witnessed. Describe the type of communication that was used throughout the change implementation. Was this effective? Why or why not?

Organization Development and Change

Cumming, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2015). Organization development and change (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9788131531679.

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The change implementation that I witnessed and will reflect upon occurred in a healthcare organization where I had the opportunity to observe the type of communication used throughout the process. Communication plays a crucial role in any change initiative as it helps in disseminating information, managing resistance, and aligning stakeholders towards the common goal. In this assignment, I will describe the type of communication that was employed during the change implementation and evaluate its effectiveness.


During the change implementation, the organization primarily utilized a combination of face-to-face meetings, emails, and informational posters to communicate with the employees. Face-to-face meetings were conducted at different levels, including top management, middle management, and frontline staff, to ensure that everyone had a clear understanding of the change and its implications. These meetings provided a platform for open dialogue and allowed individuals to express their concerns and ask questions.

In addition to face-to-face communication, regular emails were sent out to all employees to provide updates on the progress of the change implementation, address frequently asked questions, and highlight the benefits of the proposed changes. These emails were designed to be concise, informative, and easy to comprehend. Moreover, to reinforce the messages, informational posters were strategically placed in common areas throughout the organization to serve as visual reminders.

Overall, the type of communication employed during the change implementation was effective to a certain extent. Face-to-face meetings allowed for direct interaction between employees and management, fostering trust and transparency. This form of communication provided an opportunity for individuals to voice their concerns, which helped in managing resistance and addressing potential roadblocks. The use of emails and informational posters ensured that employees received consistent and timely information, keeping them informed about the progress of the change.

However, there were certain limitations to the communication approach. Although face-to-face meetings were conducted at various levels of the organization, there was a need for more interactive sessions, such as focus groups or workshops, where employees could actively participate and contribute their ideas. This would have further enhanced engagement and ownership of the change process.

Additionally, the email communication lacked personalized touch and individual attention. While emails provided essential updates, they might not have fully addressed the specific concerns or doubts of each employee. This impersonal nature of emails could have led to some individuals feeling disconnected or disengaged from the change process.

In conclusion, the type of communication used during the change implementation, including face-to-face meetings, emails, and informational posters, was effective in disseminating information and managing resistance to some extent. However, there were areas for improvement such as incorporating more interactive sessions and addressing individual concerns more directly. A comprehensive communication strategy that combines various channels while considering individual needs and fostering active participation is essential for successful change implementation.

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