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HSA 5100 Rasmussen University Introduction to Healthcare Delivery System Paper Nursing Assignment Help

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Assess the causes and consequences of historical events on the U.S. healthcare system.

Evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system.

Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.

  • Appraise the efficiency of primary, secondary, and tertiary care in the U.S. healthcare delivery system.
  • Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the U.S. healthcare delivery system with the systems of other developed countries.
  • Scenario
  • After working in the healthcare industry for many years as an expert consultant, you have decided to make the leap and open your own healthcare consulting firm. Based on your reputation and the recommendations of others, you have landed a major first client…The White House! Your company has been hired to conduct research and develop a solution to healthcare reform by creating a model of what healthcare delivery should resemble in the United States. You have also been appointed as a top advisor to the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions U.S. Senate Committee and must present the model over a three day summit.
  • Instructions
  • Create a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. healthcare system. When creating the model, ask yourself these questions: What is included? How does it look? Who does it serve? How is it financed? Is it sustainable?

Include the following in your project:

A memo that explains the proposed model and what it hopes to achieve, including information on the changing dynamics of healthcare reimbursement and the associated funding sources.

In a report outlining the model, you should include:

An executive summary

The model itself (i.e., what’s included in the model, who the model serves, description of how the model will be financed and sustained)

Timeline of major events in healthcare that have transpired over the past 10 years that have impacted this new model

A list of the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system and a statement of how each will change or remain the same under this new model

A synopsis of the major challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

A list and description of stakeholders within U.S. healthcare system under this new model

A SWOT analysis of the current U.S. healthcare system

  • A trends forecast outlining the possible changes in healthcare that may affect the model over the next 5 years
  • A voiceover PowerPoint presentation to the Senate committee to layout/describe the model in detail

Expert Solution Preview

In this assignment, you are tasked with creating a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. healthcare system. As a healthcare consultant, you have been hired by the White House to develop a solution for healthcare reform and present it to the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions U.S. Senate Committee. Your model should consider the changing dynamics of healthcare reimbursement and funding sources, as well as address the challenges of improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. Additionally, you will analyze the current financing and reimbursement models, identify stakeholders, conduct a SWOT analysis of the current system, and provide a trends forecast for the next 5 years. To effectively communicate your model, you will create a memo, a report, and a voiceover PowerPoint presentation.

To develop a comprehensive healthcare delivery model for the U.S. healthcare system, the following components should be included and addressed:

1. Memo:
In the memo, provide an overview of your proposed model and its objectives. Explain how the model takes into account the changing dynamics of healthcare reimbursement and funding sources. Emphasize the importance of sustainable financing and its role in achieving the desired healthcare outcomes.

2. Executive Summary:
The executive summary should provide a concise overview of the entire model. It should highlight the key features, target population, financing mechanism, and sustainability measures of the proposed model.

3. Healthcare Delivery Model:
Describe in detail the components of the healthcare delivery model. Define what is included, such as primary care, specialty care, preventive services, and coordination of care. Clearly outline the target population and how the model aims to serve their healthcare needs effectively.

4. Financing and Reimbursement Models:
List and evaluate the current financing and reimbursement models within the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Analyze how each model will change or remain the same under the proposed healthcare delivery model. Consider mechanisms such as fee-for-service, capitation, bundled payments, and value-based reimbursement.

5. Challenges of Improving Quality, Reducing Costs, and Increasing Access:
Outline the major challenges faced in improving healthcare quality, reducing costs, and increasing access. Evaluate both economic and noneconomic barriers, such as limited healthcare workforce, high healthcare costs, and disparities in access. Provide recommendations on how the proposed model addresses these challenges.

6. Stakeholders:
Identify and describe the various stakeholders within the U.S. healthcare system who will be impacted by the proposed model. This may include healthcare providers, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory bodies, and patient advocacy groups. Analyze the roles and impacts of each stakeholder in the implementation and success of the model.

7. SWOT Analysis:
Conduct a SWOT analysis of the current U.S. healthcare system, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis should inform the design and implementation of the proposed healthcare delivery model, leveraging strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating threats.

8. Trends Forecast:
Forecast possible changes in healthcare over the next 5 years and analyze their potential impact on the proposed healthcare delivery model. Consider factors such as technological advancements, policy changes, population health trends, and patient preferences. Anticipate and adapt to these trends to ensure the model’s relevance and effectiveness.

9. Voiceover PowerPoint Presentation:
Create a comprehensive voiceover PowerPoint presentation to present the model to the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions U.S. Senate Committee. Detail the model’s components, objectives, financing mechanisms, targeted population, and projected outcomes. Support the presentation with evidence-based research, case studies, and data to demonstrate the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed model.

In conclusion, creating an effective healthcare delivery model for the U.S. healthcare system requires consideration of various factors, including changing reimbursement dynamics, financing sustainability, quality improvement, cost reduction, and increased access. By addressing these components and providing a comprehensive memo, report, and PowerPoint presentation, you can present a model that addresses the challenges faced by the current system and offers a sustainable and impactful solution for healthcare reform.

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