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MMI 133 Assignment (worth maximum 10% of your mark) For this assignment you need to have access to the 4th edition of the textbook specified in the

MMI 133 Assignment (worth maximum 10% of your mark) For this assignment you need to have access to the 4th edition of the textbook specified in the syllabus. In Appendix B you will find the cases grouped by body system. This assignment is about creating your own case study in the style of the case studies I have created earlier. Please keep the text to 2-3 sentences when you are making the case description. You need to make 4 case studies, each from a different body system category, and each case study must have at least 4 reasonably good multiple choice questions that you create. The MC questions should be able to be answered by a student who has figured out what infection was addressed in the case study and you need to specify the correct answer on your assignment sheet. The case study must have some specific hints or clues in it to allow for the answering of the MC questions. The organism/disease you choose does not have to be an organism that we talk about in the course but should be able to be found in the textbook. See the marking rubric for this assignment to see where the marks will be assigned. Save this document as a pdf and upload it to the assignment dropbox in eclass by midnight June 9 before marking can occur. You will receive marks commiserate with the quality of the case studies and the MC questions. The maximum mark will be 10% but this can be less if the assignment is of low quality. Note that marks will be deducted (10% per day) for a maximum of 2 days. After this, your mark will be 0

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