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PHY 413V Grand Canyon University Healing and Autonomy Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion 1. The four principles, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the topic Resources in your response.

Discusion 2.What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.

Case study: This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles and four boxes approach.

Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other required topic Resources, you will complete the “Applying the Four Principles: Case Study” document that includes the following:

Part 1: Chart

This chart will formalize the four principles and four boxes approach and the four-boxes approach by organizing the data from the case study according to the relevant principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.

Part 2: Evaluation

This part includes questions, to be answered in a total of 500 words, that describe how principalism would be applied according to the Christian worldview.

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As a medical professor, it is my responsibility to create assignments and assess the performance of medical college students. In this particular content, I will answer each question separately, providing an introduction and answer for each.

Answer to Discussion 1:
The four principles in bioethics, namely autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice, have often been criticized for elevating autonomy above all other principles or values. If I were to rank the importance of each principle, I would consider beneficence as the most crucial, followed by autonomy, nonmaleficence, and finally, justice.

In the context of the Christian biblical narrative, the ranking of these principles may differ. The Christian worldview often emphasizes the importance of love, compassion, and service to others. These values align well with the principle of beneficence, making it of utmost importance. Autonomy may hold less significance in comparison as the focus lies on serving the higher purpose and well-being of others.

Answer to Discussion 2:
The Christian biblical narrative includes four parts: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. When examining the nature of God and reality in relation to sickness and disease, each part of the narrative provides unique insights.

Creation signifies God’s perfect design and intention for a well-functioning world, free from sickness and disease. It establishes the belief that illness is not a natural state, but a consequence of the fall.

The fall represents the introduction of sin and brokenness into the world. It explains the existence of sickness and disease as a result of human disobedience and separation from God. It portrays illness as a manifestation of the fallen nature of humanity.

Redemption, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, offers hope and restoration. It highlights God’s compassion and the provision of healing for both physical and spiritual ailments. The narrative encourages individuals to seek comfort and hope in God’s redemptive power, trusting in His plan for restoration.

Restoration anticipates the future state where all things will be made new, and sickness and disease will be eradicated. This part of the narrative emphasizes the ultimate hope and comfort that believers can find, knowing that in the end, there will be complete healing and wholeness.

The implications of this narrative provide a framework for understanding illness and finding comfort in the midst of it. It emphasizes the need for individuals to rely on God’s love, grace, and healing power, while also recognizing the fallen nature of the world and the impact it has on health.

Answer to Case Study Assignment:
In the “Applying the Four Principles: Case Study” document, students will be required to analyze a case using the four principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.

Part 1 of the assignment involves creating a chart that organizes the case study data according to the relevant principles. This approach enables students to systematically evaluate the ethical aspects of the case and understand how each principle applies.

Part 2 of the assignment requires students to answer questions in 500 words, describing how principalism, guided by the Christian worldview, would be applied. This evaluation task encourages students to consider the ethical implications of the case study within the framework of their Christian beliefs and values.

By completing this assignment, students will enhance their ethical analysis skills, while also gaining a deeper understanding of how the four principles and the Christian worldview intersect in making ethical decisions in the medical field.

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