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please review then info below Communicating complex scientific information to the general public is an important skill in biology. Find a biology

please review then info below 

Communicating complex scientific information to the general public is an important skill in biology.

Find a biology news article that interests you. The topics can pertain to plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, medicine, the environment, etc. 

Your article cannot be from a tv or radio station. Instead, choose a website such as,,,,, etc.

The article should be at least four paragraphs long. 

For your post: (number your post like this)

1. Include a working link to the article.

2. Summarize the 
ENTIRE article in your own words. DO NOT COPY STRAIGHT FROM THE ARTICLE. We don’t need the tiny details, just the general idea and interesting bits. DO NOT JUST REWORD THE ABSTRACT.

3. Tell why you selected this article and why it is personal to you.

4. Exactly relate your article to topics from class. (Meaning give actual 
facts from class that directly relate to the subject of the article)

Reply to two classmates after reading their summaries. They must have a different article than you. Your response should include what you found interesting as well as how you think this biology news relates to society or the future of society. 

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