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PSY 3211 Article Critique Self-Rating RubricYou will get 10 points for filling out and submitting this along with your article critique

PSY 3211 Article Critique Self-Rating Rubric

You will get
10 points for filling out and submitting this along with your article critique paper. The purpose of this is for you to reflect on the quality of your paper.
This is due when your article critique is due.

Place your rating for each category below, then add your ratings for each category at the bottom where it says “total”. For example, if you believe that your description of the kind of study deserves 3 out of 4 points (because you know your explanation is not sufficient), it should look like this: “your rating: 3” Please write your ratings in a different color font so that they are easier to see.

Please put effort into your ratings. Do not simply give yourself a 50/50. Really reflect on the quality of your paper and whether you meet all the criteria listed. If it is clear that you have not reflected sufficiently on your paper (e.g., you give a rating of 2/2 for something that is actually missing form your paper), you will lose points.

We will use this very same rubric when we grade your paper! This does not mean that you are guaranteed to get the grade you give yourself, but it should help to minimize any surprises when you get your grade.

Title page (4 points total)

Your Rating:

Header Format

a) Is your Running head title in ALL CAPS?
1 point

b) Is everything in your paper in 12 point Times New Roman font?—
1 points

c) Do you have a page number that is flush right (also in 12 point Times New Roman font)?
—-0.5 points

Title / Name / Institution

d) Do all title words with four letters or more start with a capital letter
?— 0.5 points

e) Are your name and institution correct? Are your title, name, and institution elements centered and in 12 point Times New Roman font? See regulations for spacing and bolding of the title.
—1 points

Total for Title Page (add up your ratings for a-e):

Summary of the Article (10 points total)

Your Rating:

General Format and Header

f) Is your paper title present and identical to your title on the title page?
—1 points

g) Does your summary have min 1 and half page and max 3 pages?
—1 points

Summary of the Article

h) Does your summary note the type of design (experimental vs. correlational)?
—2 points

i) Does your summary note the independent variables?
—1 points

j) Does your summary note dependent variables?
—1 points

k) Does your summary describe the methods for the article, including participants, measurement, methodology, and procedure?
—2 points

l) Does your summary describe the findings?
–2 points

Total for Summary (add up your ratings for f-l):

Your Rating:

Critique of the Article (20 points total)

Does your critique identify at least four of the needed elements (see a list on the assignment instructions, including confounding variables, appropriate sample, valid/reliable dv, interpreting findings, ethics, follow-up study, weak vs strong results, implications not mentioned in the article, theory problems, why the methods used are better or worse than alternatives
—Each element is worth 5 points, and must include sufficient detail and explanation.

Total for Critique (add up your ratings for each of the 4 critiques)

Your Rating:

Brief Summary (4 points total)

m) Do you summarize the article in one to two paragraphs?
—1 points

n) Does your brief summary highlight the main article points (hypotheses, method, and subjects)?
—2 points

o) Does your brief summary highlight the conclusions drawn by authors?
—1 points

Total for Brief Summary (add up your ratings for m-o):

In-text Citations and References Page (4 points total)

Your Rating:

In-text Citation

p) Are in-text citations (including direct quotations) in APA format?
—2 points


q) Are your references in APA format?
—2 points

Total for Brief Summary (add up your ratings for p & q):

Grammar and Writing Quality (8 points total)

Check your grammar and writing for the entire paper. Make sure to proof read, and cite & paraphrase properly. Avoid personal pronouns like “us”, “we”, “you”, and “I”. For a scientific paper like this, go with more objective words like “people”, “participants”, “users”, or “viewers” etc. 

If your paper lacks originality and contains too much overlap with the paper you are summarizing (i.e. you do not paraphrase appropriately or cite your sources properly), you will lose some or all of the points from writing quality, depending on the extent of the overlap with the paper. For example, if sentences contain only one or two words changed from a sentence in the original paper, you will lose points from writing quality.

Your Rating for Writing Quality:

Your Total Grade: /50 points (add up all “total ratings” above from each of the 6 categories to get your total self-grade).

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