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PSY 540 SNHU Memory and Geriatric Mental Health Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

How does multitasking while studying (e.g., listening to music while reading, or texting while reading) influence attention to course material?

How do individuals with ADHD perform in an online learning environment, and what strategies can help them succeed?

  • What strategies can teachers and students use to increase attention to relevant material in an online course?PSY 540 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
    Topic and Setting SubmissionOverview
    As a professional with a cognitive psychology background, you may be called upon to contribute your insights to help solve a contemporary problem in an applied setting. This solution could take the form of a proposal for a new program, research study, or initiative. For your final project, you will select an applied professional setting and contemporary problem related to cognitive processes and draft a proposal to explore strategies to improve the problem in that particular setting.In order to help you organize the thoughts you generated in an earlier discussion topic in Module One, this assignment will allow you the opportunity to develop a topic suggestion. First, you will identify your topic of interest within the field of cognitive psychology from the following options:
  • Attention
  • Learning



Decision making

Next, you will choose an applied setting, a professional field that could pose a contemporary problem related to your identified topic. You will describe how this problem relates to your topic and setting in this assignment.


  • Law
  • Mental health
  • Technology
  • Finally, you will generate three research questions about a contemporary problem related to your topic and applied setting.For example, if your topic is attention and your field of interest is technology, your potential problem could be related to decreasing attention spans and the online learning environment. Some potential research questions related to this problem might include:
  • How does multitasking (e.g., listening to music while reading or texting while reading) influence attention to online course material?
  • How do individuals with ADHD perform in an online learning environment, and what strategies can help them succeed?

What strategies can teachers and students use to increase attention to relevant material in an online course?

  • Note that the topic and setting elements are graded Pass/Fail. Please see the feedback provided by your instructor and re-submit, as needed.What to Submit
    This submission should be approximately one page, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double spaced, adhering to all appropriate writing conventions, including APA-style citation format where appropriate. Feel free to use bulleted lists to identify your topic, setting, and research questions. Your contemporary problem will require explanation in a written paragraphMilestone One Rubric
    CriteriaProficient (100%)Not Evident (0%)ValueTopicSelected topic is appropriately within the domain of the course and the assignmentSelected topic is not identified or appropriately within the domain of the course and the assignment15SettingSelected applied setting is appropriately within the domain of the course and the assignmentSelected applied setting is not identified or appropriately within the domain of the course and the assignment15Contemporary ProblemIdentified contemporary problem is related to both cognitive psychology and an applied settingDoes not identify a contemporary problem25Research Question 1Research question relates contemporary psychological problem to applied settingDoes not provide a research question15Research Question 2Research question relates contemporary psychological problem to applied settingDoes not provide a research question15Research Question 3Research question relates contemporary psychological problem to applied settingDoes not provide a research question15Total:100

    My area of interest is Memory and based on around the geriatric(elderly) community.

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Multitasking has become increasingly common in today’s technologically connected world, with individuals often engaging in multiple activities simultaneously. This includes multitasking while studying, such as listening to music while reading or texting while reading. Similarly, individuals with ADHD face unique challenges in online learning environments. In this response, we will explore how multitasking while studying influences attention to course material and how individuals with ADHD perform in online learning environments. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies that can help increase attention to relevant material in an online course.

Answer 1:

Multitasking while studying, such as listening to music or texting while reading, can have both positive and negative effects on attention to course material. On one hand, some individuals may find that listening to music or engaging in a secondary activity, like texting, can help create a more stimulating environment, increasing their focus and attention. This is particularly true for tasks that are less demanding or repetitive. For instance, listening to instrumental music without lyrics might enhance concentration and assist in memory recall for certain individuals.

On the other hand, multitasking can also have detrimental effects on attention to course material. Research suggests that dividing attention between multiple tasks reduces cognitive resources available for each individual task, resulting in decreased performance and comprehension. When individuals divide their attention between studying and other activities, it can lead to distractions, reduced ability to process information, and ultimately, lower retention of course material.

It is important to note that the impact of multitasking while studying can vary among individuals. Some individuals may have better attentional control and can successfully divide their attention without compromising their learning outcomes. However, for most students, it is advisable to minimize multitasking and create an environment that promotes focused attention to optimize learning and information retention.

Answer 2:

Individuals with ADHD may face unique challenges in online learning environments due to difficulties with sustained attention and self-regulation. However, there are strategies that can help them succeed in such settings. Here are a few examples:

1. Structured Schedule and Routine: Creating a consistent and structured schedule can provide individuals with ADHD a sense of predictability and help them stay organized. Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable segments and setting specific time blocks for studying can enhance focus and productivity.

2. Minimize Distractions: Online learning environments can be filled with potential distractions. Encouraging individuals with ADHD to create a dedicated study space with minimal visual and auditory distractions can improve their ability to stay focused. Utilizing productivity tools such as website blockers can also help in reducing online distractions.

3. Utilize Multisensory Learning: Engaging multiple senses during learning can enhance attention and memory for individuals with ADHD. Incorporating visual aids, interactive elements, and incorporating different modalities (e.g., audio lectures, visual presentations) can help maintain engagement and improve information processing.

4. Breaks and Movement: Incorporating regular breaks and physical movement into study sessions can help individuals with ADHD regulate their attention and energy levels. Short breaks can be utilized for brief physical activity or relaxation exercises, which can facilitate greater focus and concentration when returning to the learning material.

5. Utilize Technology: Online learning platforms often provide various features and tools that can support individuals with ADHD. These may include features like bookmarks, highlighting, and digital note-taking. Encouraging the use of assistive technologies such as text-to-speech software or time-management apps can also be beneficial.

By implementing these strategies and providing additional support, individuals with ADHD can overcome the unique challenges they may face in an online learning environment and improve their overall success and learning outcomes.

Answer 3:

Both teachers and students can employ strategies to increase attention to relevant material in an online course. Here are some effective strategies for both parties:

1. Clear and Organized Course Structure: Teachers should strive for a well-organized and logically structured course design. This includes providing clear syllabi, organizing content into modules or units, and utilizing headings and subheadings to facilitate navigation. An organized course structure enables students to easily locate and engage with the relevant material, promoting better attention and understanding.

2. Engaging and Interactive Content: Teachers should aim to create engaging and interactive content that captures students’ attention. This can include using multimedia elements (e.g., videos, animations) and interactive activities (e.g., quizzes, simulations) to make the learning experience more dynamic and stimulating. Interactive content fosters active learning and incentivizes students to pay closer attention to the course material.

3. Clear Communication and Expectations: Effective communication is crucial in online courses to ensure students understand expectations and deadlines. Teachers should provide clear instructions and guidelines, respond promptly to student queries, and facilitate ongoing discussion and interaction. Clear communication helps students maintain focus and clarity, reducing potential distractions.

4. Time Management and Self-Regulation: Students should develop effective time management skills and practice self-regulation. This includes creating a study schedule, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and setting aside dedicated study time. By managing their time effectively, students can allocate sufficient attention and focus on the relevant course material.

5. Practicing Active Learning Techniques: Encouraging students to actively engage with the material through techniques such as summarizing, note-taking, and self-testing can enhance attention and promote deeper processing of information. Active learning promotes greater engagement and helps students maintain focus on the material.

By implementing these strategies, both teachers and students can enhance attention to relevant material in an online course, leading to improved learning outcomes and overall course success.

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