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Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free quiz sites are provided below, but feel free to search and use your own quiz. ·

Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free quiz sites are provided below, but feel free to search and use your own quiz.

Culture QuizLinks to an external site.

What’s Your Organizational Culture? Links to an external site.

Take the quiz and then copy/paste your results into a Word document. 

In a one to two page document, answer the following questions:

1. Discuss your learning experience impacted by the organizational culture quiz. Please specifically discuss/assess what you see as an ideal culture or a culture that is ideal for rapid change.

2. Discuss how continuous improvement is impacting healthcare, banking, retail and/or government (choose one area). Merger of Lean and Six Sigma are interesting topics you can explore here.

Due Tuesday 21st New York Time / 2 pages

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