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stakeholders in health delivery systems Nursing Assignment Help

A.Review the section about internal and external stakeholders and choose one example to study. (Internal stakeholders deliver care, support the care deliverers, or receive the care, while Figure 26–1 lists 12 different types of external stakeholders.)

  • Research your chosen example. Write a report about what part your chosen entity plays within the system. What strategic relationships can you identify for your research subject? Can you make a map of those relationships?
  • How much strategic power do you think your chosen example has within the overall internal and external players within a system? Do you think that power is increasing or decreasing? Explain why within your report. 

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In this assignment, we will study the concept of internal and external stakeholders within the medical system. We will choose one example of a stakeholder and analyze their role within the system, as well as the strategic relationships they have. Additionally, we will evaluate the level of strategic power this example holds within the overall internal and external players and determine whether this power is increasing or decreasing. This analysis will provide us with a deeper understanding of the dynamics and influences within the healthcare system.


For this assignment, we will study the example of a pharmaceutical company as an internal stakeholder in the medical system. Pharmaceutical companies play a crucial role in developing and manufacturing medications that are integral to patient care. They provide essential support to healthcare professionals by supplying medications for various diseases and conditions.

Within the medical system, pharmaceutical companies have strategic relationships with healthcare providers, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and research institutions. These relationships are built on the foundation of collaboration and mutual benefits. For instance, pharmaceutical companies collaborate with healthcare providers to conduct clinical trials and gain access to patient populations for testing new drugs. They also work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with safety and efficacy standards.

The strategic power of pharmaceutical companies within the overall internal and external players in the system is significant. They possess the ability to influence medical practices, research priorities, and healthcare policies. This power stems from their financial resources, research capabilities, and market presence. Pharmaceutical companies often hold patents for innovative drugs, giving them a monopoly over their distribution and pricing. This allows them to exert control over healthcare professionals and impact patient care.

However, the power dynamics within the pharmaceutical industry are complex and subject to various external factors. It is important to note that the strategic power of pharmaceutical companies can fluctuate depending on factors such as government regulations, emerging competition, and public perception. Additionally, changes in healthcare policies and reimbursement models can also impact their power within the system.

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the rising cost of medications and the influence of pharmaceutical companies on healthcare decisions. This has led to increased scrutiny and regulation, posing challenges to the industry’s power. Therefore, while the overall strategic power of pharmaceutical companies may still be substantial, it is important to recognize the potential for fluctuations and changes in the future.

To visually represent the strategic relationships of pharmaceutical companies within the medical system, we can create a map that showcases their connections with healthcare providers, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and research institutions. This map will help us visually understand the interdependencies and collaborations that exist between the pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders in the healthcare system.

In conclusion, pharmaceutical companies are vital internal stakeholders within the medical system. They play a critical role in providing essential medications and supporting healthcare professionals. Their strategic relationships with various stakeholders ensure collaboration and mutual benefits. The strategic power of pharmaceutical companies within the overall internal and external players in the system is significant, although subject to fluctuations and external influences. By studying these dynamics, we can gain insights into the intricate relationships and influences that shape the healthcare system.

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