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FIU Health & Medical Comprehensive Patient History

After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: It is very important for all mental health professionals to take very detailed and thorough historical information from their patients. This information should include an adequate social history, complete medical history, and a full mental status examination with a probable treatment plan. Describe three […]


To prepare: Review the Comprehensive SOAP Note Template. Select a patient who you saw at your practicum site during the last 5 weeks. With this patient in mind, consider the following:  Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding the personal and medical history? Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment? Include […]

Advancing Comprehensive Family Planning Worksheet Nursing Assignment Help

You will write a policy brief and provide oral testimony on a state or national level policy issue. Consider areas that interest you as an APRN. Begin to look for the source of the policy you are interested in. In many cases, this will be legislative material. Begin researching supportive material for developing your policy […]

NURS5367 MDC Developing a Comprehensive Plan to Overcome Barriers to Implementing Fall Prevention Interventions and Medication Adherence Strategies at The Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Questions Nursing Assignment Help

Develop a plan to overcome barriers.  Your plan should be clear and specific. Another person should be able to read your plan and replicate it. Discuss with colleagues. Describe the anticipated barriers to the change process in your institution (or wherever the change will be implemented). Include the organization’s culture, its’ reaction to change, and […]

NURS5367 MDC Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Fall Prevention Interventions and Medication Adherence Strategies at The Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

1. My EB project Picot is: In elderly patients at risk of falls, does the implementation of fall prevention interventions combined with medication adherence strategies (I) compared to fall prevention interventions without medication adherence strategies or standard care (C) lead to a reduction in fall rates and improved medication adherence (O) over a 6-month period […]

CHE 325 SNHU Comprehensive Wellness Approach Project Nursing Assignment Help

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a patient wellness plan with wellness plan presentation. The role of healthcare and human services professionals is critical in the care of aging individuals. These professionals have the opportunity to offer aging individuals options and strategies to help improve their quality of life and […]

NRNP 6675 WU Comprehensive Focused SOAP Psychiatric Evaluation Paper Nursing Assignment Help

FOCUSED SOAP NOTE FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA SPECTRUM, OTHER PSYCHOTIC, AND MEDICATION-INDUCED MOVEMENT DISORDERS Psychotic disorders change one’s sense of reality and cause abnormal thinking and perception. Patients presenting with psychotic disorders may suffer from delusions or hallucinations or may display negative symptoms such as lack of emotion or withdraw from social situations or relationships. Symptoms of […]

FIU Comprehensive Analysis of Low Back Pain Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. Female Genitourinary, & Musculoskeletal For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case […]