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Miami Dade College 55 Year Old Homeless Man with

Case Study Chosen: Mason, a 55-year-old homeless man with respiratory symptoms. Demographics: Age: 55 Gender: Male Mason, a 55-year-old homeless man with respiratory symptoms and related findings from the examination, here are appropriate questions to ask Mason during the initial assessment: General Health: Can you describe your overall health and any chronic medical conditions you […]

Miami Dade College Mini SOAP Note Worksheet

Submit 1 Mini-SOAP note on a patient that you saw in clinic this week. Submit here as a Word Document. See the example template below for the required format. Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. 63 y/o male with BHP, presents to the clinic for 1 year follow […]

Miami Dade College Health & Medical Psychiatry Paper

Rewatch the same Patient Interview. You will now write the mental status exam portion of the psychiatric report. The mental status exam can be written in bulleted or narrative format, but should include the following sections: Appearance – personal identification, behavior, psychomotor activity, general description Speech Mood and affect Thinking and perception – form of […]

Miami Dade College Health & Medical Paper

Select a medication that is either classified as an antidepressant or mood stabilizer. Based on your selection, write a paper (maximum 4 pages) and discuss the following information related to the medication you selected. Evidence based treatment selection (FDA approved uses) Off label uses, if any Contraindications, if any to use Mechanism of action Potential […]

PSY 2012 Miami Dade College Experimental Design Paper

Researchers often use a method called an experiment in order to study the causes of human and animal behavior. Design such an experiment based on a change in behavior you have observed in yourself or your roommates this past semester (e.g., eating or sleeping habits, exercise regime, game playing, etc.). Select a behavior that you […]

PSY 2012 Miami Dade College Psychological Topics Discussion

[Required Discussion Prompts] Where and How Did Psychology Originate? (LO-01.03–01.04) AND If you had to pick one of the historical perspectives to use to study and explain behavior, which one would it be? Why? (C01.1) [Optional Discussion Prompt – Select (ONE) of the questions from either one of the groups below.] Aristotle was one of […]

PSY 2012 Miami Dade College Psychological Topics Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

[Required Discussion Prompts] Where and How Did Psychology Originate? (LO-01.03–01.04) AND If you had to pick one of the historical perspectives to use to study and explain behavior, which one would it be? Why? (C01.1) [Optional Discussion Prompt – Select (ONE) of the questions from either one of the groups below.] Aristotle was one of […]

PSY 2012 Miami Dade College Experimental Design Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Researchers often use a method called an experiment in order to study the causes of human and animal behavior. Design such an experiment based on a change in behavior you have observed in yourself or your roommates this past semester (e.g., eating or sleeping habits, exercise regime, game playing, etc.). Select a behavior that you […]

Miami Dade College Health & Medical Paper Nursing Assignment Help

This paper will have three parts addressing two important pieces of legislation related to the right of individuals to make health care decisions for themselves. Part I The Advance Health Care Directive  Locate a copy of an advanced directive (AD) that complies with the laws of the state in which you work. The organization in […]