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PLEASE DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR ANY OTHER SORT OF AI-GENERATED TEXT!  Please describe your response by answering all questions below.  All questions should be

PLEASE DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR ANY OTHER SORT OF AI-GENERATED TEXT!  Please describe your response by answering all questions below.  All questions should be answered in the same chronological order as they appear. Please do not include any sub-titles and questions in the body of your final essay. Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France which refers to Da […]

The candidate will write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum

The candidate will write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum design and development. The topic must address at least two prominent curriculum theorists’ positions and the candidate’s stance for or against the curriculum models. In addition, the candidate will need to […]

This module assignment is quite simple (and fun, especially if you have a creative vibe). Create a short infographic that highlights/communicates at least

This module assignment is quite simple (and fun, especially if you have a creative vibe). Create a short infographic that highlights/communicates at least five important things that you learned about digital citizenship, acceptable use policies, and/or technology integration in schools from this module. To get full credit on this assignment, don’t just give me a key term […]