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Review some of the stressors that we faced as humans during

Review some of the stressors that we faced as humans during the hunter-gatherer days (Brenner article and psychologytoday link) and once agricultural advancements began. How might they relate to stressors in the military? How can too much stress and provider burnout affect the therapeutic relationship? What techniques, based on the readings and video would be […]

HSC1531 FSCJ Health & Medical Red Faced Runner Case Study

Case Study Scenario The internist recommends a dermatology workup for a suspected SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) in her 40-year-old female patient. The patient presents symptoms, including erythema rash across her cheeks and nose, photosensitivity resulting in a raised rash in sun-exposed areas, patches of alopecia, and pain and stiffness in her joints. The dermatologist examines […]