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MRU Implementation of Transitional Community-Based Management of Hospital Readmission Rates for Patients with Heart Failure Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

Assignment Content Individual assignment . one per student .Assignment #3 Individual PowerPoint Presentations covering the following case study:Aims and Objectives: To identify structure, process, and outcomes associated with the implementation of transitional community-based management of hospital readmission rates.Background: Population health-based projects have previously been described (Chapters 10 and 13). Using a transitional community-based readmissions plan […]

FIU Obesity and Heart Disease Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). For this course, students are required to develop a Pecha Kucha presentation based on the chosen theme and issue(s) discussed in their Final Project Product Proposal, providing images on each slide to […]

VU Health Maintenance Plan for Coronary Heart Disease Essay Nursing Assignment Help

Develop a health maintenance plan for a selected Disease, such as asthma, hepatitis, hypo and hyperthyroidism, and coronary artery disease, in a selected Population. Your paper should: 1. Assess, develop, and recommend health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice. 2. Apply evidence-based guidelines to the identification […]

Pathophysiology Paper in APA format NO PLAGIARISM Subject: Congestive Heart Failure  Body of Paper: 2-3 pages and this does not include title or reference pages. Note: Please read and follow the attac Nursing Assignment Help

Pathophysiology Paper in APA format NO PLAGIARISM Subject: Congestive Heart Failure  Body of Paper: 2-3 pages and this does not include title or reference pages. Note: Please read and follow the attached rubrics below for required guidelines of this assignment. There are minimal requirements for references and content. Additionally, I have attached an APA template […]

Coronary Heart Disease Questions Nursing Assignment Help

I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question. 1. Describe the health production function in decreasing deaths from coronary heart disease.    2. What is moral hazard, and how does it increase the cost of medical care? Chapter 3: Do More Medical Expenditure Produce Better […]