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please see the instructions below Nursing Assignment Help

Protecting Your Scope of Practice Protecting the scope of practice for nurses, particularly advanced practice registered nurses, is a major initiative at the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2016. The ANA is working together with our Constituent Member (State) Associations to help remove geographic and practice setting limitations for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). The ANA […]

please read the instructions Nursing Assignment Help

1) First of all, please complete the self-assessment, Check Your Health Risks Regarding Alcohol and Drug Use, in the textbook (page 336) and post a comment that addresses the following: Which of the 15 items really made you think about either your alcohol drinking or the alcohol drinking of a friend or acquaintance (no names […]

see instructions, need pages and 3 references Nursing Assignment Help

Antibiotic Therapy Discuss the use of antibiotic therapy when treating ear and throat pain in both children and adults. What is considered standard of care?  Include professional guidelines and recommendations.   Expert Solution Preview Introduction: Antibiotic therapy is commonly used in the treatment of ear and throat pain for both children and adults. In this […]

Discussion question; at least 500 words (minimum); see instructions Nursing Assignment Help

Health Care Disparities in LGBTQ  Discuss how to close the health care disparities gap in the LGBTQ community? Expert Solution Preview Introduction: Health care disparities refer to differences in access to and outcomes of healthcare services among different populations. The LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) community often faces unique challenges when it comes […]

Follow instructions below Nursing Assignment Help

Expert Solution Preview Introduction: In order to properly answer the question provided, it is important to establish the context and background of a medical professor’s role in creating assignments and evaluating student performance. As a medical professor, my responsibilities encompass designing and conducting lectures, assessing student performance through examinations and assignments, and providing constructive feedback […]

TOPIC CHOOSEN Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. instructions is attached Nursing Assignment Help

TOPIC CHOOSEN Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. instructions is attached  Expert Solution Preview Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a life-saving technology used in critical care settings to provide temporary support for patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. This advanced therapy involves the external circulation of a patient’s blood through an artificial lung (oxygenator) to remove carbon […]

Introduction to Public Health Policy/Equity Problem Paper/Outline (20%) Complete a written paper (500-1000 words) following these instructions: Focusing on a health policy problem with health equity/s Nursing Assignment Help

Introduction to Public Health Policy/Equity Problem Paper/Outline (20%)Complete a written paper (500-1000 words) following these instructions:Focusing on a health policy problem with health equity/social justice/human rights implications—aproblem that you will write about for the remainder of the semester—write a 500- to 1,000-wordintroduction to the topic, defining the problem, and identifying the health equity/social justice/humanrights concerns […]