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Students in their first graduate level pharmacology course

Students in their first graduate level pharmacology course are confused with the recommendations for hypertension (HTN) and treatment choices after ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and with heart failure (HF). The drugs used several years ago and still seen commonly on the acute care floors the students work are not the ones now assuming a stronger […]

Must be 3 paragraphs You just finished your doctoral studies and completed your year-long internship in clinical psychology. As a doctoral level provider, you have earned the rank of Captain in the

Must be 3 paragraphs You just finished your doctoral studies and completed your year-long internship in clinical psychology.  As a doctoral level provider, you have earned the rank of Captain in the Air Force or Army (if Navy you would be a Lieutenant – same level of authority). From an Officer’s perspective, you are junior.  […]

Must be 3 paragraphs You just finished your doctoral studies and completed your year-long internship in clinical psychology. As a doctoral level provider, you have earned the rank of Captain in the Nursing Assignment Help

Must be 3 paragraphs You just finished your doctoral studies and completed your year-long internship in clinical psychology.  As a doctoral level provider, you have earned the rank of Captain in the Air Force or Army (if Navy you would be a Lieutenant – same level of authority). From an Officer’s perspective, you are junior.  […]