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ou are conducting a muilimamual iypothesis test for the claim that the 4 categories cocur with the following frequoncies: = =0.15; -0.4; =0.15;

ou are conducting a muilimamual iypothesis test for the claim that the 4 categories cocur with the following frequoncies: = =0.15; -0.4; =0.15; =0.3Complete the tablo.\table[[Cxtegory,\table[[Dbterved],[Frequency]],\table[[Expected],[Frequency]],\table[[Squsred],[Residual]]],[A,12,,],[B,70,,],[C,36,,],[D,37,,]]What is the chi-socuare test-statistic for this data? 2=Report all final an This Assignment has been solved!  Contact me to get the sample for free or order a new one free from […]

Write a 3 page position paper to address the following.  Many books are banned from American school curriculum. There are many reasons, such as adult

Write a 3 page position paper to address the following.  Many books are banned from American school curriculum. There are many reasons, such as adult themes,charged language,  and graphic violence. Should books be banned or preserved freedom and social-being? Choose your side of the issue and decide what 3 supporting proofs you will defend your […]