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MBA 671 CCU Exploring Capitation in Healthcare Questions

I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Read the Case For Capitation and answer the questions: 1. What is capitation? 2. How did Intermountain do this? 3. What are the negatives? 4. Do you like this approach – why or why not?

This is the book and the questions are attached as well

This is the book and the questions are attached as well Kongstvedt, Essentials of Managed Care, Sixth Edition ISBN: 978-1-4496-5331-6  Based on Chapter 2: Types of Health Insurers, Managed Health Care Organizations and Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems Discuss the principle elements of control found in each type of managed care plan. In which plans do […]

SDSU MyPlate vs Paleo Pyramid Comparison Questions

1- In 3-4 sentences how do the MyPlate.Gov and the Paleo pyramid recommendations differ? ————————————————— 2- In 400 words or more: Based on the lecture and reading, which pyramid is more reflective of your current intake? Which pyramid would fit your lifestyle and nutritional needs better? Of all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals listed in […]

Based on Chapter 7-10, answer the following questions and be

Based on Chapter 7-10, answer the following questions and be sure to follow the Discussion Board & Assignment Instructions 300 words  Kongstvedt, Essentials of Managed Care, Sixth Edition ISBN: 978-1-4496-5331-6  You are the Managing Director reporting to the CEO on updates and concerns on the day-to-day business at Greys Medical Center. You are responsible for the smooth […]

NSU Regression Quality Measures Questions

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Simple Regression Analysis looks at the relationship between a single independent variable and a dependent variable. Multiple Regression Analysis looks at the relationship between more than one independent variable and a dependent variable.  1) What measures […]

Research Study Question(s) or Hypothesis(es), Research

Research Study Question(s) or Hypothesis(es), Research Design, and Data Types[WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 3, 6] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 10, 11, and 12 from the course text, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Using Microsoft Excel, as needed. This week, you will complete the first part of the methods […]

SU HCA Healthcare Financial Condition Questions

For the Week 3 Assignment, you will be expected to investigate the financial condition of a health services organization (HSO) of your choosing. In preparation for the Week 3 Assignment, you are expected to submit a Microsoft Word document explicitly addressing the following: Utilizing the Strayer Library or other credible sources, you are to identify […]

VC Cardiogenic Shock Case Study Questions

Case Study Information: A 53 y/o African American male with a history of CAD s/p remote PCI to unknown vessel(s), ischemic cardiomyopathy, HTN, DM, and CKD III has been hospitalized with decompensated heart failure. He is a retired salesman by profession. He has a 40 pack year history of smoking; he quit after his MI […]