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UT ARLINGTON Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates

You began working on this project in Module 1. You should now be ready to submit the PowerPoint presentation with notes (this can be done in the notes section of PowerPoint) and documentation of the attendees. Documentation of attendees can be via sign-in sheet of screen print of attendees when done by a Zoom or […]

ASU Healthcare Data Analysis & Readmission Rates Project

This week we will analyze organizational performance data that is provided by the federal government.  You will use Value-Based Purchasing data available from  The assignment for this unit is to interpret and present data.  Then you will create a new report on and add it to your spreadsheet data. From the Readings and […]

MRU Implementation of Transitional Community-Based Management of Hospital Readmission Rates for Patients with Heart Failure Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

Assignment Content Individual assignment . one per student .Assignment #3 Individual PowerPoint Presentations covering the following case study:Aims and Objectives: To identify structure, process, and outcomes associated with the implementation of transitional community-based management of hospital readmission rates.Background: Population health-based projects have previously been described (Chapters 10 and 13). Using a transitional community-based readmissions plan […]