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Can you help with a response? 200 words, 1 in text, 1

Can you help with a response? 200 words, 1 in text, 1 reference A career path in the healthcare sector as an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) can take different routes due to the profession’s versatility. As an APN, one may choose to go the employment route, which entails working in a setting that needs an […]

Can you help with min 200 word response with reference APA

Can you help with min 200 word response with reference APA format to: Types of treatments for psoriasisTreatment options for psoriasis are categorized into medications, diet, and alternative therapies. Pharmacological treatments are also grouped into topical, phototherapy, and systemic. Topical treatments, which consist of creams and ointments, are first-line treatments prescribed for patients with mild […]

Can you help with a min 200-word response, with reference

Can you help with a min 200-word response, with reference APA format to:  Triggers for psoriasis and the different clinical types. Psoriasis manifests as an autoimmune condition resulting in rubified, pruritic, scaling dermatitis. This chronic disease progresses cyclically between exacerbations and quiescent periods. The most prevalent variant, plaque psoriasis, presents with elevated erythematous papules exhibiting […]

Response needed? 150 words, 1 intext citation, 1 academic

Response needed? 150 words, 1 intext citation, 1 academic source.           Measuring and monitoring the quality of care delivered by an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a crucial aspect of ensuring optimal patient outcomes and maintaining high standards of healthcare. This process involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses various indicators, assessments, […]

Can you provide a response? 200 words, one intext and one

Can you provide a response? 200 words, one intext and one academic reference. Quality monitoring and evaluation of the care provided by Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are critical to ensuring superior health outcomes. With advanced education and specialized training, these healthcare practitioners offer complete patient care across various settings. Measuring the quality of care they […]

Can you help with a response? 150 words, 1 intext citation,

Can you help with a response? 150 words, 1 intext citation, 1 academic reference.  Common Triggers for Psoriasis and Clinical Types Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition marked by inflammation, can be sparked by genetic, environmental, and immune factors. Genetic predisposition heightens the risk, especially for those with a family history. Environmental triggers like infections, stress, […]

Can you provide a response? 150 words, 1 intext, 1 academic

Can you provide a response? 150 words, 1 intext, 1 academic reference. Sensory Function Case Study            C.J. is a 27 year-old male who presents with a crusty and yellowish discharge on his eyes for the last 24 hours. He washed his eyes often at the beginning though he found that […]

Can you help with a response? 200 words, 1 in text, 1

Can you help with a response? 200 words, 1 in text,  1 reference?  As per the Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2010), proponents of advanced practice nursing (APN) seek to develop a healthcare system that meets the requirements of patients’ safety, cost, accessibility, quality, and autonomy while fostering innovation. Despite an increasing scarcity of primary care […]

HELP!! 200 word response wth 2 references Ethical

HELP!!  200 word response wth 2 references Ethical Dilemma        Throughout my healthcare career, I have experienced various healthcare roles, as I transitioned from a certified nursing assistant to a registered nurse over 7 years. During my time as a Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) technician, I witnessed an ethical dilemma, that remains on […]

Ethical discussion response assistance please. -200 word

Ethical discussion response assistance please.  -200 word minimum – 2 references Ethical Dilemma           Early in my nursing career, I encountered an ethical dilemma involving patient consent and capacity. I was working on a skilled nursing unit and was assigned to care for, an elderly patient with dementia who also had […]