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STU ADHD Management Psychiatric SOAP Note Template

Step 1: You will use the Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template Download Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Templateto: Compose a written comprehensive psychiatric evaluation of a patient you have seen in the clinic. Upload your completed comprehensive psychiatric evaluation as a Word doc. Scanned PDFs will not be accepted. For the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Presentation Assignment: […]

NUR 630 STU Efficacy of Non Pharmacological Interventions

Externalizing Disorders Some commonly followed treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have not been scientifically substantiated, including restricted or modified diets, treatments for allergies, treatment for inner ear problems, treatments for yeast infections, megavitamins, chiropractic adjustment and bone alignment, eye training, special-colored glasses, and biofeedback. After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, address the […]

NUR 639 STU Confidentiality & Safety in Pediatric

After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, address the following in a well-written discussion post: One common dilemma faced by psychiatric nurse practitioners is determining who the “client” is. Given that children are typically brought for treatment by their parents, describe how the psychiatric nurse practitioner would respond to a child who discloses they […]

NUR 630 STU Influences on Childhood Psychological Disorders

Introduction to Child Psychiatry After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following question: Many people have personal beliefs about what influences thinking and behavior. Based on your culture and ethnicity, discuss your personal beliefs about the cause of psychological problems in children.    

NUR 620 STU Patient Diagnosed with Major Depressive

Step 1: You will use the Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template Download Graduate Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Templateto: Compose a written comprehensive psychiatric evaluation of a patient you have seen in the clinic. Upload your completed comprehensive psychiatric evaluation as a Word doc. Scanned PDFs will not be accepted. For the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Presentation Assignment: […]

NUR 620 STU Psychosis in a Young Adult Case Study

Discuss the following: Case StudyMr. T is a 21-year-old man who is brought to the ER by his mother after he began talking about “aliens” who were trying to steal his soul. Mr. T reports that aliens left messages for him by arranging sticks outside his home and sometimes send thoughts into his mind. On […]

NUR 620 STU Clinical Case Analysis of Ms Richardson

After studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Case Study A 74-year-old African American woman, Ms. Richardson, was brought to the hospital emergency room by the police.  She is unkempt, dirty, and foul-smelling.  She does not look at the interviewer and is apparently confused and unresponsive to most of his questions.  She […]

NUR 620 STU Clinical Management Analysis of Ms JNs Clinical

After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Case StudyMs. JN is a 24-year-old law student who presents to an outpatient psychiatry clinic accompanied by her husband. She feels “worried about everything!” She is “stressed out” about her academic workload and upcoming exams. She feels fatigued and has difficulty concentrating on her […]

STU Good Prescribing Practices Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. A 23-year-old biracial (Black Asian) female arrives at the clinic for an evaluation. She has lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks without trying. She complains of feelings of guilt about her symptoms and everyday sadness that […]

STU Health & Medical Enzyme Conversion Diagrams Question

   Expert Solution Preview Introduction: As a medical professor responsible for designing college assignments and evaluating student performance, I understand the importance of providing comprehensive and accurate answers to content-related questions. In this context, I will respond to the provided content by addressing each question separately. Let us now proceed to answer the given query. […]