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HSC 1531 FSCJ The Man With The Weak Arm Case Study

Instructions Below is a case study presentation of a patient with a condition discussed in this chapter. Read the case study and answer the questions for Case Study 4: The Man with the Weak Arm. Some questions will ask for information not included within this chapter. Use your text, a medical dictionary, or any other […]

Research Study Question(s) or Hypothesis(es), Research

Research Study Question(s) or Hypothesis(es), Research Design, and Data Types[WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 3, 6] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 10, 11, and 12 from the course text, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Using Microsoft Excel, as needed. This week, you will complete the first part of the methods […]

VC Cardiogenic Shock Case Study Questions

Case Study Information: A 53 y/o African American male with a history of CAD s/p remote PCI to unknown vessel(s), ischemic cardiomyopathy, HTN, DM, and CKD III has been hospitalized with decompensated heart failure. He is a retired salesman by profession. He has a 40 pack year history of smoking; he quit after his MI […]

Can you help me with my two part case study? (see attached)

Can you help me with my two part case study?  (see attached) 500 words per case study APA format 2 academic sources per case study Musculoskeletal Function: G.J. is a 71-year-old overweight woman who presents to the Family Practice Clinic for the first time complaining of a long history of bilateral knee discomfort that becomes worse […]

The Study of Internal Structures in Living Organisms

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need guidance to help me learn. Directional terms change when comparing structures and anatomical features of humans to animals that walk on four legs.  Choose one structure or anatomical feature relative to the heart.  Take the structure or anatomical feature chosen and use the directional […]

Read the Case Study below – Viral Sovereignty -The Downside

Read the Case Study below – Viral Sovereignty -The Downside Risks of Securitizing Infectious Diseases. Discuss the case and identify the key policy implications. Submit an 800-1,000-word paper plus a KU title page and reference page in a scholarly format. Post your paper by Sunday.Case StudyViral Sovereignty: The Downside Risks of Securitizing Infectious Disease Stefan Elbe and […]

Can you assist me with a 2- part case study? APA format, 2 a

Can you assist me with a 2- part case study? APA format, 2 academic references,  500 word min per case.  Gastrointestinal Function: R.H. is a 74-year-old black woman, who presents to the family practice clinic for a scheduled appointment. She complains of feeling bloated and constipated for the past month, some-times going an entire week with […]

Can you help me with a two part case study? 500 words

Can you help me with a two part case study? 500 words minimum per case study, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Urinary Function: Mr. J.R. is a 73-year-old man, who was admitted to the hospital with clinical manifestations of gastroenteritis and possible renal injury. The patient’s […]

Can you assist me with a case study re-write? Please see at

Can you assist me with a case study re-write?  Please see attached….. Pulmonary Function: D.R. is a 27-year-old man, who presents to the nurse practitioner at the Family Care Clinic complaining of increasing SOB, wheezing, fatigue, cough, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and postnasal drainage-all of which began four days ago. Three days ago, he began […]

Case Study: AIROPLANE Study link to article;

Case Study: AIROPLANE Study link to article;  please see below for the articles for this assignment; PROMPT: Imagine that you are on the research ethics consultation service that must write a report for the case that you picked. This report will be available to the researchers, the IRB, and potentially the research participants.  Your report […]