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Bad Sugar” which explores the causes and effects of diabetes

Bad Sugar” which explores the causes and effects of diabetes within two Native American communities. •  “Place Matters” which connects the dots between health, wealth, and zip codes. •  After reviewing both video transcripts, discuss how the factors listed below can influence health behaviors and health status. Support your discourse with examples from the video. […]

Blood Sugar and Diabetes Discussions Nursing Assignment Help

Homeostasis, Hyperglycemia, and Hypoglycemia Discussion Question(s) What is homeostasis? How does the normal functioning of the pancreas provide an example of homeostasis? (Be Specific) What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia that must be taught to a patient who has just been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus? (Be Specific) Which disease conditions may result in either Hyper- […]

Mr. Sweet, 38 years old, is brought to the Emergency Department unresponsive. He has a history of Type 1 diabetes and has been sick for the last 3 days. On admission his Blood sugar is 532, Potassium Nursing Assignment Help

Mr. Sweet, 38 years old, is brought to the Emergency Department unresponsive. He has a history of Type 1 diabetes and has been sick for the last 3 days. On admission his Blood sugar is 532, Potassium is 7.2 and ABG results include pH 7.08, Bicarb 12, and CO2 28. His VS are HR 116, […]