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Flyers for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Epilepsy

I just need two different types of flyers for Epilepsy Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It needs to contain what to do if you know someone in a DV relationship and then for Epilepsy it needs to include what to do if you see someone having a seizure which is put them to […]

VC Challenges of Gun Violence Essay Nursing Assignment Help

I want you to describe some of the current gun violence challenges plaguing our society. For example, you can examine the recent mass shootings in New York or Texas. Another option might be to focus on gun laws in the United States compared to overseas. Whatever you decide Expert Solution Preview Introduction: Gun violence is […]

Health & Medical Violence and Abuse Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? ”As mentioned in chapter four, visual media can influence a person’s attitudes toward violence. Choose a violent movie or television show that you watched recently. What impact, if any, did it have on your feelings […]

COM 295 Substance Abuse and Violence Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? Discuss the historical trends and current conceptions of the cause and treatment of substance abuse. Describe the ethical and legal implications of substance abuse.  Identify factors that influence violence. Identify at-risk populations for violence and […]

Substance Abuse and Violence Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Discuss the historical trends and current conceptions of the cause and treatment of substance abuse. Describe the ethical and legal implications of substance abuse. Identify factors that influence violence. Identify at-risk populations for violence and the role of public health in dealing with the epidemic of violence.  Expert Solution Preview Introduction: Substance abuse has been […]

Terrorism and Political Violence Questions Nursing Assignment Help

unit 4 Instructions Based on your  reading, discuss the problem caused by imperfect intelligence  about a potential  adversary’s capabilities and intentions in obtaining and  using a WMD. Review the  three views given in the textbook of when it is  appropriate to take military  action in self-defense. Which camp do you fall in?  Why?  Your journal […]