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Topic:  “Should schools be able to discipline students for what they say on social media?” For the 1300-1600 word argument essay, you will argue the

Topic:  “Should schools be able to discipline students for what they say on social media?”

For the 1300-1600 word argument essay, you will argue the position against schools being able to discipline students for what they say on social media. You must support the thesis with research material and specific details. It must be in MLA format, including citations from 5 different sources of your choice.


•   Make sure the tone of your argument matches the purpose of your argument.

•   Use academic voice. Use a third-person point of view. (no first or second person)

•   Use at least two sources for your side of the argument and at least two sources for the counterargument.

•   Accurately use correct MLA to document source material for source integration.

•   Use every source included in the Works Cited.

•   Include a Works Cited entry for every source quoted. Failure to do so is plagiarizing.


•   Do not use vague terms.

•   Do not turn off your audience by stating something is awful or disgusting.

•   Do not leave out the counterarguments and rebuttal. An essay that does not contain this section is not an argument essay and cannot earn a passing grade.

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