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 upload two lessons to the Canvas learning management system. Your goal is to create an interactive and engaging learning environment for students by

 upload two lessons to the Canvas learning management system. Your goal is to create an interactive and engaging learning environment for students by providing well-structured lessons with additional resources and opportunities for interaction and discussion. 


Use the how-to document linked above and the foundational concepts you developed in the Week 6 activity to complete this assignment.

  1. Build two lessons in Canvas, each including the following:
    1. Develop engaging welcome messages for each lesson.
    2. Develop clearly stated learning objectives for each lesson.
    3. Choose at least one informative, engaging video resource to include in each lesson. This video resource could be a TEDtalk, YouTube video, news video, etc. Videos bring another level of engagement to your course, and practicing how to embed them is key to making the course flow easily.
    4. Choose an additional relevant resource, other than a video, to include in each lesson. This content could be created by you or found online, and could include a link to an article or case study, notes from the instructor, an interactive simulation, a practice exercise, annotated PowerPoint slides, etc.
    5. Develop a discussion thread for each lesson, incorporating a thought-provoking question or prompt to be included in each.

 Following the instructions in the how-to document, enroll your instructor in your course. Take a screenshot of the completed invitation.

Complete this assignment by submitting a document that includes:

  1. The title of your course using the following format: Pat_Smith_Introduction_to_Social_Science
  2. The course ID using the following format: PatSmith_ISS100
  3. The screenshot you took of the course invitation to your instructor

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