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WCU Racism In Healthcare Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Complete the following template, using transition in between paragraphs.

Origin of Injustice:  Racism

           In this section you are going to give a brief history of your injustice. Not more than a paragraph. You may or may not be able to find studies here to back up your claims but you can Definity use other reliable sources. The writing style is formal and must have fluidity. You need a strong introductory sentence that describes what the section will be about but without vague/weak language and is not painted with too broad a brush. You also need transition sentences and summary sentences. Use credible sources in this part because you cannot make up information. The citations will go after the last sentence with information from that source. Each paragraph must have at least ONE in text citation otherwise this is plagiarism. You also need to write formally, meaning NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS (we, our, my or you). This is no place for personal opinions either so the word should or need, should not be used. Look at my full list of words and phases in my Writing Style handout that make your writing juvenile (get/ing, a lot, huge, big, “when it comes to” to name a few). If you use them I will know you did not look at the videos and are not participating in class. NO QUOATATIONS either. Information needs to be paraphrased and cited correctly in your own words. This is also a form of plagiarism. Look at my example about the decline in bee populations and the peer review rubric for guidance. They are both posted in the announcements. The last sentence should transition into the causes. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.     Your last sentence should list out the causes you are about to discuss for a transition. Just like you did from the origins of injustice to the medical conditions in the last paper


In this section you will discuss one specific causes to your injustice not a medical condition. This paper is not about your medical condition, it is about the injustice. Use evidence to back up your claim. There should be studies used here to back up your claim. All same writing rules apply. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.  


If you have another specific cause to your injustice discuss it here and back it up with evidence. There should be studies used here to back up your claim. Last sentence needs to transition into the next section. All same writing rules apply. The next three sections can be in the order you choose to allow for smooth transition and fluidity in your paper. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.


If you have a third cause to your injustice include it here. You are going to need a transition here into the Money Power and Control Section. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism..

Money Power and Control: US Government.

           In this section you will find a specific organization or institution that benefits from your injustice and works to keep it in place. You will need to find different ways that they maintain power. Each of those tactics should have their own paragraphs. Use the site open secrets to find out how much this industry lobbies congress to protect their interests if you are dealing with American politics. You will need to find several sources to prove the point that this group of people do not want to allow change prevent progress. All the same writing rules apply for this section. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.  If you need more paragraphs, you will need to start them outside of the templated box


           In this section you will discuss how the organization you introduced in the paragraph above uses this tactic to maintain power and control over your population. Use evidence to back up this claim with studies and stats. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.

Red  lining             In this section you will discuss how the organization you introduced in the paragraph above uses this tactic to maintain power and control over your population. Use evidence to back up this claim with studies and stats. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.


           In this section you will discuss how the organization you introduced in the paragraph above uses this tactic to maintain power and control over your population. Use evidence to back up this claim with studies and stats. Make sure to have a transition to the next section. The next section does not have to be legislation. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.

Legislation: Racial Justice Act.  

           In this section you will find a specific law or a bill that directly impacts your population regarding your injustice. You want something that has been passed recently or is currently a bill. You can discuss older legislation here to give a background to how your bill came to be needed. Once you find one look it up on It has a summary of the actual bill and its history. You probably will not find studies about this section but it is possible depending on the discussion you want to have. You want to include the specific information about the bill as well as its history and the people that proposed it. You need to have a smooth transition to the next section. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism. If you need more paragraphs, you will need to start them outside of the templated box (you will need more paragraphs)

Cultural Norms: Culture of silence.

           In this first paragraph define your culture that you are going to discuss. Some of these terminologies are newly coined you so will be constructing the definition in an academic style. Some of these are not as obvious and it will be up to you to present the content needed to support this is a culture. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.            In this section you will elaborate on how this cultural norm perpetuates the injustice. You should be able to find studies to back up your claim that culture influences your injustice and works to maintain the status quo. Make sure to have a smooth transition to the next section. Again, the three middle sections can be in the order you need them to be for fluidity. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.If you need more paragraphs, you will need to start them outside of the templated box (you will need more paragraphs.

Ethical Obligation of the Health Care Professional: Future Register Nurse

           In this section you will discuss why it is a nurse’s obligation to be an advocate for your population and be active in addressing the injustice through policy reform and program intervention. The transition here is important to start by introducing the idea that the nursing profession has to potential to play an important role and then explain why their skill set is ideal. Those with an environmental topic there will be plenty of position statements. For social injustices look up the provisions in the code of ethics. Describe what they are and choose a few to relate to your topic. NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS!!!!!!! This is not a personal statement on how you feel. Your feelings do not matter. Only facts and evidence do in this type of writing. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.      

American Nurses Association 

           In this section you will introduce an organization or institution that is actively involved in the nursing profession. Then explain how they support the involvement of the nursing profession in protecting your population through addressing your injustice. This could be through policy reform, official statements, accreditation requirements, grass roots movements, lobbying, program interventions or research. Always mention your injustice or a concept directly related to your injustice to keep each section tied to the topic and cohesive. Keep transitions in mind when going to the next section. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.  

National Black Nurses Association 

           Same directions as above

National nurses united

             Same directions as above. Each paragraph will need to have at least one in text citation to avoid plagiarism.     

        In the final summarizing paragraph summarize how this evidence supports that the nursing profession’s scope of practice included advocating for indiviuals affected by your injustice and that they have an obligation to be actively involved in public health issues such as your injustice

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how this organization supports the ethical obligation of healthcare professionals to address the injustice of racism in the medical field. Provide examples of specific actions or initiatives that the organization has taken to promote racial justice in healthcare. Use evidence from credible sources to back up your claims. Each paragraph should have at least one in-text citation to avoid plagiarism.

One organization that is actively involved in advocating for racial justice within the nursing profession is the American Nurses Association (ANA). The ANA is the largest nursing organization in the United States, representing millions of registered nurses across the country. The ANA recognizes that racism is a systemic issue within healthcare and is committed to promoting racial equity and combating racial disparities in healthcare outcomes.

The ANA has taken several actions to support healthcare professionals in addressing racial injustice. One example is their development of the Culturally Congruent Care Toolkit, which provides nurses with resources and strategies for providing culturally appropriate care to diverse patient populations. This toolkit emphasizes the importance of cultural competence in nursing practice and highlights the need for healthcare professionals to be aware of their own biases and assumptions.

In addition, the ANA has issued position statements and policy briefs that specifically address racial justice in healthcare. These statements call for increased diversity in the nursing profession, improved cultural competency training for healthcare professionals, and the recognition and elimination of systemic racism within healthcare organizations. The ANA also actively engages in advocacy efforts at the state and federal levels to promote legislation that supports racial justice in healthcare.

Furthermore, the ANA collaborates with other organizations and stakeholders to advance racial equity in healthcare. They participate in partnerships and coalitions that aim to address racial disparities in healthcare access and outcomes. By joining forces with other organizations, the ANA is able to amplify their advocacy efforts and effect meaningful change in the healthcare system.

Overall, the American Nurses Association is playing a crucial role in promoting racial justice within the nursing profession. Through their initiatives, policy statements, and advocacy efforts, the ANA is working to ensure that healthcare professionals are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to address the injustice of racism in medical practice. As nurses, it is our ethical obligation to actively engage in these efforts and advocate for equitable and just healthcare for all.

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