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See attached docExecutive Summary Presentation With Speaker Notes Overview For the final project in this course, you will

See attached doc Executive Summary Presentation With Speaker Notes Overview For the final project in this course, you will develop an  executive summary presentation with speaker notes. Imagine that you are a human resource professional in an organization that is struggling with a conflict regarding a critical strategic project. Leaders in the organization are looking to […]

See attached docControl Phase, Part One—Mitigating Unwanted ConsequencesFirst, read Chapter 9 in  The Essential

See attached doc Control Phase, Part One—Mitigating Unwanted Consequences First, read Chapter 9 in  The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Additionally, review the  CONTROL Supplementary Document . In your initial post, address the following: · How has your identification of unwanted consequences from your Improve phase informed your understanding of what you need to control? · […]

Student will develop a proposal that will outline an issue/challenge/problem that they feel that needs to be addressed at your agency. Your proposal must be

Student will develop a proposal that will outline an issue/challenge/problem that they feel that needs to be addressed at your agency. Your proposal must be needed and that will bring change or make an impact. The goal is to enable students to learn about their agency’s mission, function, organizational structure, and how their agencies fit […]