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FNU Ethical Theories in Nursing Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

After reading Chapter 4 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab),  please answer the following questions.  Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post.  Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

Discussion board questions:

1.  Think about the ethical theories and approaches in Chapter 4 and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past.  Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict?  Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering? 

Expert Solution Preview

In Chapter 4 of our course material, we explored various ethical theories and approaches that are commonly used to resolve moral conflicts. As medical professionals, we often encounter situations where we must make decisions that have a direct impact on the well-being of others. This discussion will reflect on our personal experiences with moral conflicts and the ethical theories or approaches we have utilized to navigate these dilemmas. Additionally, we will explore instances where we have experienced the ethical dilemmas of making choices that affect the well-being of others and whether we have encountered moral suffering.

1. Ethical theories and approaches:

Throughout my professional career, I have encountered numerous moral conflicts, and on several occasions, I have applied the deontological approach to resolve these conflicts. Deontological ethics, as highlighted in Chapter 4, focuses on the duty and intention behind our actions rather than the consequences. In these situations, I have adhered to a set of established principles and values, considering the ethical obligations I have as a medical professional.

For instance, during a particularly challenging case where a patient’s family demanded a treatment that went against medical advice, I found myself in a moral conflict. By employing the deontological approach, I emphasized the importance of promoting the patient’s autonomy and well-being while respecting their right to make informed decisions. I engaged in open and honest communication with the family, explaining the risks and potential consequences associated with their choice. Ultimately, by striving to fulfill my responsibilities as a healthcare provider and ensuring patient-centered care, I was able to resolve the conflict.

2. Dilemmas affecting the well-being of others and moral suffering:

Being in a position where our choices can impact the well-being of others is an inherent aspect of the medical profession. I can recall an instance where I had to make a difficult decision that directly affected a patient’s well-being. In this particular scenario, a patient with a history of substance abuse was in need of a life-saving treatment, but their condition had worsened due to their ongoing addiction. The dilemma lied in deciding whether to prioritize providing the necessary treatment or addressing the underlying addiction first.

After consultation with a multidisciplinary team and considering the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, I made the decision to provide the life-saving treatment while simultaneously initiating measures to address the addiction. This choice aimed to balance the patient’s immediate need for intervention with their long-term well-being. Although it was an emotionally challenging decision, I was guided by the belief that every individual deserves care and that I had a responsibility to advocate for their health.

When faced with such dilemmas, it is not uncommon to experience moral suffering. This suffering arises when we encounter situations where it is difficult to align our personal values and principles with the choices we are compelled to make. In my case, witnessing the patient’s struggle with addiction and the potential long-term consequences of their condition caused inner turmoil. However, acknowledging the limitations of the situation and understanding that I had acted in the best interest of the patient alleviated some of the moral suffering.

In conclusion, ethical theories and approaches play a crucial role in resolving moral conflicts in the medical field. Personally, I have employed the deontological approach to navigate challenging situations by prioritizing patient autonomy and well-being. Furthermore, I have encountered numerous dilemmas where the well-being of others was at stake, and I have made decisions that prioritized overall patient care. Although these decisions can lead to moral suffering, finding solace in the moral justifiability of our choices and ensuring ethical considerations are upheld can help alleviate some of the burden.

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