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IHP-410 Pop Health Nursing Assignment Help

Submit Section III of the case study, in which you will address the chosen organization’s financial incentives and quality improvement processes. Specifically, you will critique the organization’s population-health oriented policies, the organization’s approach to care and the extent to which it is patient-centered, and any strategies the organization uses in its population-health approach.

Reference these resources to complete your milestone assignments:

Montefiore Medical Center Case Study

Interpreting Services Program

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

Financial incentives and quality improvement processes

Analyze population health-oriented policies (such as non-discrimination in hiring, care and treatment, Patient Bill of Rights, financial assistance, etc.) that the organization may have implemented for reducing costs and improving overall quality. Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims.

To what extent is the organization’s approach to care considered patient-centered? Be sure to cite specific examples to substantiate your claims.

What specific strategies (such as eliminating unnecessary procedures and providing only essential treatments or interventions) does the organization employ in its population health approach to reduce costs and improve overall quality?

Describe gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s use of the population health approach in reducing costs and improving quality of care, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

What to Submit

Milestone Three must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, with sources cited in APA format.Submit Section III of the case study, in which you will address the chosen organization’s financial incentives and quality improvement processes. Specifically, you will critique the organization’s population-health oriented policies, the organization’s approach to care and the extent to which it is patient-centered, and any strategies the organization uses in its population-health approach.

  1. Reference these resources to complete your milestone assignments:

Montefiore Medical Center Case Study

Interpreting Services Program

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Financial incentives and quality improvement processes

Analyze population health-oriented policies (such as non-discrimination in hiring, care and treatment, Patient Bill of Rights, financial assistance, etc.) that the organization may have implemented for reducing costs and improving overall quality. Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims.

  1. To what extent is the organization’s approach to care considered patient-centered? Be sure to cite specific examples to substantiate your claims.

What specific strategies (such as eliminating unnecessary procedures and providing only essential treatments or interventions) does the organization employ in its population health approach to reduce costs and improve overall quality?

  1. Describe gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s use of the population health approach in reducing costs and improving quality of care, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

Expert Solution Preview

In this assignment, we will analyze the financial incentives and quality improvement processes of a chosen healthcare organization. We will specifically critique the organization’s population-health oriented policies, its patient-centered approach to care, and the strategies employed for reducing costs and improving overall quality. Additionally, we will identify any gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s population health approach. Let’s address each question separately.

Answer to each question:

1. Financial Incentives and Quality Improvement Processes:
To analyze the organization’s population health-oriented policies, we need to consider various factors such as non-discrimination in hiring, care and treatment, Patient Bill of Rights, and financial assistance. These policies can have a significant impact on reducing costs and improving overall quality.

For instance, the organization may have implemented policies that ensure equal access to healthcare services irrespective of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. This non-discrimination policy not only promotes social justice but also improves health outcomes by providing equal care to all individuals.

Furthermore, the organization’s Patient Bill of Rights can play a crucial role in enhancing quality of care. By implementing policies that protect patients’ rights to informed decision-making, privacy, and confidentiality, the organization demonstrates its commitment to patient-centered care and improves overall quality.

Financial assistance programs, if implemented effectively, can also contribute to reducing healthcare costs. By providing support to patients who are unable to afford certain treatments or medications, the organization can ensure equitable access to care while minimizing financial burdens.

2. Patient-Centered Approach to Care:
To evaluate the organization’s patient-centered approach to care, we should examine specific examples that demonstrate its commitment to meeting patients’ needs and preferences.

For instance, the organization may have implemented shared decision-making practices, where patients are actively involved in their treatment plans and encouraged to express their preferences. This approach ensures that patients’ values and preferences are taken into consideration, leading to higher patient satisfaction and improved health outcomes.

Additionally, the organization may offer comprehensive care coordination services, ensuring that patients receive seamless and coordinated care across multiple healthcare providers. By centralizing and coordinating various aspects of care, the organization can enhance patient experience and improve care continuity.

3. Strategies in Population Health Approach:
The organization may employ several strategies in its population health approach to reduce costs and improve overall quality. Some examples include:

a) Eliminating unnecessary procedures: The organization may have implemented evidence-based guidelines and protocols to minimize unnecessary tests, procedures, and treatments. By avoiding overutilization of healthcare resources, unnecessary costs can be reduced, and quality of care can be improved.

b) Providing only essential treatments or interventions: The organization may prioritize interventions and treatments that have proven efficacy and cost-effectiveness. By focusing on evidence-based practices, the organization can optimize resource allocation and contribute to better outcomes.

4. Gaps or Deficiencies in Population Health Approach:
While the organization’s population health approach may have positive aspects, there may still be gaps or deficiencies that need to be addressed.

For example, the organization might lack comprehensive preventive care programs that proactively address population health issues. By emphasizing preventive measures and screenings, the organization can potentially reduce healthcare costs associated with treating advanced diseases.

Furthermore, there might be a lack of effective data management systems for tracking population health outcomes and identifying areas for improvement. By investing in advanced data analytics and population health management tools, the organization can potentially enhance its ability to monitor and improve quality of care.

In conclusion, the chosen organization’s financial incentives and quality improvement processes are crucial elements in the quest for reducing healthcare costs and improving overall care quality. By implementing population health-oriented policies, fostering patient-centered approaches, employing appropriate strategies, and addressing any identified gaps or deficiencies, the organization can contribute to more effective and efficient healthcare delivery.

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