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MRU Enhancing Type 2 Diabetes Management Capstone Review of Literature Nursing Assignment Help


1. Review of Literature

– Review and discuss literature: Synthesize at least 10 primary research studies and/or systematic reviews; do not include summary articles. This section is all about the scientific evidence rather than someone else’s opinion of the evidence. Do not use secondary sources; you need to get the article, read it, and make your own decision about quality and applicability to your question even if you did find out about the study in a review of the literature. This is a synthesis rather than a study by study review. Address the similarities, differences, and controversies in the body of evidence.

2. Analyze and apply knowledge directly to your PICOT- The studies that you cite in this section must relate directly to your PICOT question.

3. Provide precise body of evidence for your Practice Change

4. Discuss objectives for your practice change

5. Discuss where the problem exists, why it exists, what is the preposition for change

6. Apply all that is relevant to the problem. For example: Pros vs Cons, current state of problem

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The content mentioned in the provided description is part of a capstone assignment for medical college students. The assignment focuses on conducting a review of literature related to a specific topic, analyzing and applying knowledge to their PICOT question, providing evidence for a practice change, discussing objectives for the practice change, identifying the problem and reasons for change, and considering relevant factors such as pros, cons, and the current state of the problem.

As a medical professor creating assignments and evaluating student performance, the following answers provide guidance and insight for each question in the content:

1. Review of Literature:
To effectively review and discuss literature, students should synthesize at least 10 primary research studies and/or systematic reviews. It is important for students to focus on scientific evidence rather than relying on someone else’s opinion. They should obtain the original articles, critically evaluate their quality and relevance to their research question, and address the similarities, differences, and controversies within the body of evidence.

2. Analyze and apply knowledge directly to your PICOT:
In this section, students must connect the studies they cite directly to their PICOT question. They should analyze the findings from the selected research studies and demonstrate how the results are applicable to their PICOT question. It is essential to illustrate a clear link between the evidence and the research question, explaining how it contributes to the overall understanding of the topic.

3. Provide precise body of evidence for your Practice Change:
In this section, students should present a comprehensive body of evidence to support their proposed practice change. They should utilize the previously reviewed literature and additional sources to establish a solid foundation for their practice change. Students should provide specific details about the studies, including study design, sample size, methodology, findings, and any limitations. The evidence should clearly demonstrate the need for the proposed practice change and its potential impact on patient outcomes.

4. Discuss objectives for your practice change:
Students should outline the objectives they aim to achieve through their proposed practice change. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Objectives could include improving patient satisfaction, reducing healthcare costs, enhancing patient safety, or optimizing clinical outcomes. Students should provide a clear rationale for each objective and explain how they align with the identified problem and the potential benefits of the practice change.

5. Discuss where the problem exists, why it exists, and what is the proposition for change:
Students should conduct a thorough analysis of the problem they have identified and discuss its context. They should provide a detailed description of where the problem exists, why it exists, and the factors contributing to its prevalence. Students should delve into the underlying causes, potential barriers to change, and the significance of addressing the problem. The proposition for change should be clearly outlined, explaining how the proposed practice change will address and mitigate the identified problem.

6. Apply all that is relevant to the problem:
In this section, students should bring together all the relevant factors pertaining to the problem they have identified. They should discuss the pros and cons of the existing state, considering potential advantages and disadvantages associated with the proposed practice change. Students should analyze the current state of the problem, highlighting any gaps or shortcomings in current practices. They should also consider the wider implications of the problem and explore potential opportunities for improvement.

In conclusion, this capstone assignment provides an opportunity for medical college students to effectively review literature, apply knowledge to their specific PICOT question, provide a solid body of evidence for their proposed practice change, discuss meaningful objectives, identify the problem and reasons for change, and consider relevant factors in addressing the problem. Through this assignment, students will enhance their research skills, critical thinking, and ability to propose evidence-based practice changes.

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